unoplatform / Uno.Wasm.Bootstrap

A simple nuget package to run C# code in a WASM-compatible browser
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Some `*.pdb` files are copied to `dist` even when they shouldn't #394

Open mmarinchenko opened 3 years ago

mmarinchenko commented 3 years ago

This issue is spin-off of #393.

Steps to reproduce (PowerShell)

dotnet new -i Uno.ProjectTemplates.Dotnet
dotnet new unoapp -o UnoWasmApp -wasm=true -ios=false -android=false -macos=false -skia-wpf=false -skia-gtk=false -st=false

cd .\UnoWasmApp\UnoWasmApp.Wasm\
dotnet publish UnoWasmApp.Wasm.csproj -c Release -r browser-wasm -p:WasmShellDistPath=..\release
ls ..\release -recurse -include *.pdb

    Directory: D:\VSProjects\UnoWasmApp\release\package_41fdcfabcfdb4bcf5ddae83c7e373df9406530b2\managed

Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                 -------------         ------ ----
-a---          03.08.2020    19:50           1936 Uno.Wasm.TimezoneData.pdb

The Uno.Wasm.TimezoneData.* files have different (old) LastWriteTime - I guess this is important thing. Other files in package_* folder always have current time.

Try to ensure that we really don't want *.pdb files in output directory:

dotnet publish UnoWasmApp.Wasm.csproj -c Release -r browser-wasm -p:WasmShellDistPath=..\release_1 -p:MonoRuntimeDebuggerEnabled=false -p:DebugType=none -p:DebugSymbols=false -p:DefineDebug=false
ls ..\release_1 -recurse -include *.pdb

    Directory: D:\VSProjects\UnoWasmApp\release_1\package_41fdcfabcfdb4bcf5ddae83c7e373df9406530b2\managed

Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                 -------------         ------ ----
-a---          03.08.2020    19:50           1936 Uno.Wasm.TimezoneData.pdb

No luck.

Now if we update the project:

-    <TargetFramework>netstandard2.0</TargetFramework>
+    <TargetFramework>net5.0</TargetFramework>

-    <PackageReference Include="Uno.Wasm.Bootstrap" Version="1.3.4" />
-    <PackageReference Include="Uno.Wasm.Bootstrap.DevServer" Version="1.3.4" />
+    <PackageReference Include="Uno.Wasm.Bootstrap" Version="2.1.0" />
+    <PackageReference Include="Uno.Wasm.Bootstrap.DevServer" Version="2.1.0" />
+    <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Windows.Compatibility" Version="5.0.2" />

We get much more *.pdb files (but not as much as with Debug build):

dotnet publish UnoWasmApp.Wasm.csproj -c Release -r browser-wasm -p:WasmShellDistPath=..\release_2 -p:MonoRuntimeDebuggerEnabled=false -p:DebugType=none -p:DebugSymbols=false -p:DefineDebug=false
ls ..\release_2 -recurse -include *.pdb

    Directory: D:\VSProjects\UnoWasmApp\release_2\package_ef12460a6faaa91f8871a005c80ada6e9255e021\managed

Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                 -------------         ------ ----
-a---          03.06.2021    22:01           8916 System.Collections.Concurrent.pdb
-a---          03.06.2021    22:01          24792 System.Collections.Immutable.pdb
-a---          03.06.2021    22:01           4880 System.Collections.NonGeneric.pdb
-a---          03.06.2021    22:01           6820 System.Collections.pdb
-a---          03.06.2021    22:01           5268 System.Collections.Specialized.pdb
-a---          03.06.2021    22:01            892 System.ComponentModel.pdb
-a---          03.06.2021    22:01           3204 System.ComponentModel.Primitives.pdb
-a---          03.06.2021    22:01          51912 System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.pdb
-a---          03.06.2021    22:01           5448 System.Console.pdb
-a---          03.06.2021    22:01           4676 System.Drawing.Primitives.pdb
-a---          03.06.2021    22:01           6264 System.IO.FileSystem.pdb
-a---          03.06.2021    22:01         246444 System.Linq.Expressions.pdb
-a---          03.06.2021    22:01          21396 System.Linq.pdb
-a---          03.06.2021    22:01           6288 System.Linq.Queryable.pdb
-a---          03.06.2021    22:01          67304 System.Net.Http.pdb
-a---          03.06.2021    22:01           1792 System.Net.Primitives.pdb
-a---          03.06.2021    22:01           2884 System.Net.Security.pdb
-a---          03.06.2021    22:01           7628 System.ObjectModel.pdb
-a---          03.06.2021    22:01         659600 System.Private.CoreLib.pdb
-a---          03.06.2021    22:01          29948 System.Private.Uri.pdb
-a---          03.06.2021    22:01         318460 System.Private.Xml.pdb
-a---          03.06.2021    22:01            512 System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.pdb
-a---          03.06.2021    22:01           2368 System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation.pdb
-a---          03.06.2021    22:01          47612 System.Text.RegularExpressions.pdb
-a---          03.06.2021    22:01           4244 System.Web.HttpUtility.pdb
-a---          03.06.2021    22:01          37140 Uno.Core.pdb
-a---          03.06.2021    22:01           2000 Uno.Diagnostics.Eventing.pdb
-a---          03.06.2021    22:01          10704 Uno.Extensions.Logging.WebAssembly.Console.pdb
-a---          03.06.2021    22:01          24180 Uno.Foundation.pdb
-a---          03.06.2021    22:01          13256 Uno.Foundation.Runtime.WebAssembly.pdb
-a---          03.06.2021    22:01          77656 Uno.pdb
-a---          03.06.2021    22:01         440404 Uno.UI.FluentTheme.pdb
-a---          03.06.2021    22:01        1847140 Uno.UI.pdb
-a---          03.06.2021    22:01          10676 Uno.UI.Runtime.WebAssembly.pdb
-a---          03.06.2021    22:01          11280 Uno.UI.Toolkit.pdb
-a---          03.06.2021    22:01           7612 Uno.Wasm.TimezoneData.pdb
-a---          03.06.2021    22:01          32832 Uno.Xaml.pdb
jeromelaban commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the update. Can you check if the files are actually downloaded when opening the app?

mmarinchenko commented 3 years ago

In Release mode they are not requested from the server:


And as I can see are not served:

A simple nuget package to run C# code in a WASM-compatible browser - unoplatform/Uno.Wasm.Bootstrap
jeromelaban commented 3 years ago

Ok, so they are only copied to the dist folder. It could be related to how the linker is configured, good to know. Thanks!

mmarinchenko commented 2 years ago

I guess the following files should also not be copied to dist:

mmarinchenko commented 1 year ago

7.0.x introduced more unnecessary files in the dist directory. We have to add the following task to Wasm head to get around this:

  <Target Name="DeleteUnnecessaryFiles" AfterTargets="Publish" Condition="'$(Configuration)'=='Release'">
      <_FilesToDelete Remove="@(_FilesToDelete)" />
      <_FilesToDelete Include="$(PublishDir)\**\obj\*.*" />
      <_FilesToDelete Include="$(PublishDir)\**\emcc-*" />
      <_FilesToDelete Include="$(PublishDir)\**\package.json" />
      <_FilesToDelete Include="$(PublishDir)\**\runtime.js" />
      <_FilesToDelete Include="$(PublishDir)\**\*.c" />
      <_FilesToDelete Include="$(PublishDir)\**\*.h" />
      <_FilesToDelete Include="$(PublishDir)\**\*.lib.js" />
      <_FilesToDelete Include="$(PublishDir)\**\*.pdb" />
      <_FilesToDelete Include="$(PublishDir)\**\*.runtime.json" />
      <_FilesToDelete Include="$(PublishDir)\**\*.symbols" />
      <_FilesToDelete Include="$(PublishDir)\**\*.ts" />
      <_FilesToDelete Include="$(PublishDir)\**\*.txt" />
    <Delete Files="@(_FilesToDelete)">
      <Output TaskParameter="DeletedFiles" ItemName="_DeletedFiles" />
    <Message Importance="high" Condition="'@(_DeletedFiles-&gt;Count())'&lt;='0'" Text="$(PublishDir): no unnecessary files deleted." />
    <Message Importance="high" Condition="'@(_DeletedFiles-&gt;Count())'&gt;'0'" Text="$(PublishDir): unnecessary files deleted (@(_DeletedFiles->'%(FileName)%(Extension)'))." />

Output when publishing:

<...>\WasmHead\obj\Release\net6.0\PubTmp\Out\: unnecessary files deleted (uno-bootstrap.d.ts;uno-bootstrap.js;emcc-compile.rsp;emcc-default.rsp;emcc-link.rsp;emcc-props.json;package.json;runtime.js;corebindings.c;driver.c;pinvoke.c;gc-common.h;pinvoke.h;wasm-config.h;pal_random.lib.js;WasmHead.staticwebassets.runtime.json;dotnet.js.symbols;dotnet-legacy.d.ts;dotnet.d.ts;uno-assets.txt).

Which means the following list:

jeromelaban commented 1 year ago

Some changes for this have been introduced in 8.0-dev builds regarding this particular issue.