unoplatform / Uno.WindowsCommunityToolkit

The Windows Community Toolkit is a collection of helper functions, custom controls, and app services. It simplifies and demonstrates common developer tasks building UWP apps for Windows 10. The toolkit is part of the .NET Foundation.
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DataGrid doesnt proper loads rows #108

Open Xiaoy312 opened 4 years ago

Xiaoy312 commented 4 years ago

Describe the bug

Setting the DataGrid.ItemsSource to an enumerable/collection doesnt show the rows of items. Only the columns are generated, if AutoGenerateColumns has not been set to false.

Steps to Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

Expected behavior

The data to be displayed.




NuGet Package(s):

<PackageReference Include="Uno.Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.UI.Controls" Version="6.1.0-build.186.g928c99f74d" />
<PackageReference Include="Uno.Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.UI.Controls.DataGrid" Version="6.1.0-build.186.g928c99f74d" />
Windows 10 Build Number:
- [ ] Fall Creators Update (16299)
- [ ] April 2018 Update (17134)
- [ ] October 2018 Update (17763)
- [ ] May 2019 Update (18362)
- [ ] Insider Build (build number: )

App min and target version:
- [ ] Fall Creators Update (16299)
- [ ] April 2018 Update (17134)
- [ ] October 2018 Update (17763)
- [ ] May 2019 Update (18362)
- [ ] Insider Build (xxxxx)

Device form factor:
- [x] macOS
- [x] WASM
- [ ] iOS (?: not tested)
- [ ] Android (?: not tested)
- [ ] UWP

Visual Studio 
- [ ] 2017 (version: )
- [x] 2019 (version: ) 
- [ ] 2019 Preview (version: )

Additional context

note: If you attach the assignment to a button handler. Tapping a first time will make the columns to be generated, and tapping it again will cause the rows to be shown.


public static class DataGridExtensions
    #region Property: DelayedItemsSource

    public static DependencyProperty DelayedItemsSourceProperty { get; } = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached(
        new PropertyMetadata(default, (d, e) => d.Maybe<DataGrid>(control => OnDelayedItemsSourceChanged(control, e))));

    public static IEnumerable GetDelayedItemsSource(DataGrid obj) => (IEnumerable)obj.GetValue(DelayedItemsSourceProperty);
    public static void SetDelayedItemsSource(DataGrid obj, IEnumerable value) => obj.SetValue(DelayedItemsSourceProperty, value);


    private static void OnDelayedItemsSourceChanged(DataGrid sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
        // DataGrid not showing rows with initial values, only "late" provided values are displayed somehow...
        // This is the workaround for that:
        _ = RunOnUIThread(() => sender.ItemsSource = (IEnumerable)e.NewValue);

    private static async Task RunOnUIThread(Action action)
        await CoreApplication.MainView.Dispatcher.RunAsync(Windows.UI.Core.CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>

for databinding, just bind to that attached property instead of ItemsSource. for code-behind, just call SetDelayedItemsSource during OnLoaded like so:

Task.Run(() => DataGridExtensions.SetDelayedItemsSource(dg, items));
scara1701 commented 4 years ago

I also have the same issue on Android. Columns are generated but rows are not displayed. View:

ViewModel that grid is bound to:

Behavour on UWP with Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.UI.Controls.DataGrid works as expected.

Lab of Uno platform combinded with new Microsoft.Toolkit.MVVM - scara1701/UnoWithMVVM
Lab of Uno platform combinded with new Microsoft.Toolkit.MVVM - scara1701/UnoWithMVVM