unoplatform / uno.resizetizer

The home for Uno.Resizetizer, an image resizting tooling for Uno Platform apps
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[Docs] Platform-specific customization #261

Open MartinZikmund opened 1 month ago

MartinZikmund commented 1 month ago

What would you like clarification on:

How to customize properties per-platform.

e.g. ForegroundScale has a specific property per target:


But what if user wants to have custom background color per target? (This property could probably be renamed to BackgroundColor as it is not clear now from name)


This is a common scenario, eg. on Windows and WASM one would usually want background of the icon and splash to be transparent, but maybe not on others.

agneszitte commented 1 month ago

@Kunal22shah not sure if all these details left by @MartinZikmund are properly taken into account in the latest documentation update.

@MartinZikmund do you think needs more updates?

MartinZikmund commented 1 month ago

This is a ver nice update, much better docs, thanks @Kunal22shah !

One more thing comes to mind related to this - do we support customising the properties for Skia Desktop WPF vs macOS vs Linux? Because I imagine for example the icon scale will need to be different on Windows vs macOS? If yes, we should document it, and if not, we should add such support, as it will be certainly needed

MartinZikmund commented 1 month ago

On the uno-resizetizer-properties page - I’m not sure why we need those platform specific property names ( like AndroidForegroundScale), if using the Condition syntax works for all properties? Maybe we could just remove them from the docs in favour of the “general” property?

agneszitte commented 1 month ago

On the uno-resizetizer-properties page - I’m not sure why we need those platform specific property names ( like AndroidForegroundScale), if using the Condition syntax works for all properties? Maybe we could just remove them from the docs in favour of the “general” property?

What do you think @dansiegel, @jeromelaban ?