unoplatform / uno.resizetizer

The home for Uno.Resizetizer, an image resizting tooling for Uno Platform apps
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Update Publisher #281

Closed dansiegel closed 1 month ago

dansiegel commented 1 month ago

Fixes: #

PR Type

What kind of change does this PR introduce?

What is the current behavior?

TargetDeviceFamilies are not updated with the TargetPlatformVersion and the TargetPlatformMinVersion provided by MSBuild. We do not have a property that handles the Identity Publisher

What is the new behavior?

We now will set the Publisher Display Name and the Identity Publisher values in the AppxManifest via the new ApplicationPublisher MSBuild property if it exists. If it does not exist it will fall back to the Authors property which falls back to the Application Title and ultimately the Assembly Name. This ensures there is always a value for these even if the properties were not directly supplied.

This will now check for any TargetDeviceFamily elements within the Dependencies. If none exists it will add one for Windows.Universal and Windows.Desktop which are the defaults in the WinUI and the Uno Templates. If the MinVersion or MaxVersionTested attributes are either not set or have a default value of it will use the TargetPlatformVersion and TargetPlatormMinVersion to set these attributes.