unoplatform / uno.resizetizer

The home for Uno.Resizetizer, an image resizting tooling for Uno Platform apps
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Images not in the same folder as svg #295

Open Marc-Antoine-Soucy opened 2 weeks ago

Marc-Antoine-Soucy commented 2 weeks ago

Current behavior

I'm not sure if this is really a bug or if some documentation should be updated/ added (or if I missed it)

In an app with a shared project/folder I added some SVGs in the Assets/Images folder of the shared project. I added an SVG, and tried using Assets/Images/nameofmyimage.png as the source of an image like it said here:

But, it didnt work, and the image was instead generated at name_of_my_image.png without the folders name in front.

Expected behavior

I would have expected the image to have the same path to it as the SVG. Or that the documentation would have mentioned this can happen when working with solutions that use a shared project.

How to reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible)

I saw this when I was working on this branch of the open source UnoApplicationTemplate


Nuget Package: Uno.Resizetizer Package Version(s): 1.5.0-dev.106 Affected platform(s):

Visual Studio:

Relevant plugins:

Anything else we need to know?

I don't think it's a major problem, I mostly wanted open this issue because it took me some time to understand what was happening.