unoplatform / uno.ui.runtimetests.engine

In-App MS Tests Runner for Uno Platform and WinAppSDK
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QoL: improve search filter #89

Open Xiaoy312 opened 1 year ago

Xiaoy312 commented 1 year ago

What would you like to be added:

pseudo code:

isMatch = term.Split(' ')
    .All(x => (test.ClassName+'.'+test.Name).Contains(x.TrimStart('-'), ignoreCase: true) != x.StartWith('-'))

Why is this needed:

Typing is hard, especially on device with some form of input lag, auto-correkt and limited screen space (see: #30). Some test name is also a subset of another, and is impossible to single it out.

For which Platform: All of them.

Anything else we need to know?

Often I would suffix _Asd to the tests of interest, and forget to remove them in the actual PR.