Some time around Q2-Q3 2019 there will be a new release of the parent CSB project.
CVAG 72 will there be known as ETP 3. The change should be reflected in:
The readme
File names
Script- and config-file-inline commentary
This issue tracker
Furthermore, there may be file and directory structure changes in the forthcoming release of the overarching project, which should be handled here, assuming this project remains a separate "add-add-on". In a worst-case scenario there will also be vehicle-specific changes to backport.
Wait for citaro142 to report back their beta testing results, and resolve any issues that arise.
Wait for citaro142 to a) approve the "add-add-on" distribution strategy going forward, and b) release their latest version.
Some time around Q2-Q3 2019 there will be a new release of the parent CSB project.
CVAG 72 will there be known as ETP 3. The change should be reflected in:
Furthermore, there may be file and directory structure changes in the forthcoming release of the overarching project, which should be handled here, assuming this project remains a separate "add-add-on". In a worst-case scenario there will also be vehicle-specific changes to backport.