unplugged / unplugged-controls

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Computed Navigator - Persistant on Screen on older devices #535

Closed reidcanavan closed 10 years ago

reidcanavan commented 10 years ago

The unpComputedNavigator control will stay persistant on the phone screen after load. Newer devices ( Android 4.4 ) do not appear to experience this behaviour.

Example code:

<unp:unpHeader search="none" viewsButton="true"
    title="Permits and Inspections" disablefastclick="no">
  {label: "My Schedule", hasSubMenu: true, icon: "fa-calendar", subMenu: [
    {label: "Today", ajaxloadid: "contentwrapper", ajaxtargetid: "content", hasSubMenu: false, disabled: false, page: "/UnpViewScheduleMeToday.xsp" },
    {label: "Tomorrow", ajaxloadid: "contentwrapper", ajaxtargetid: "content", hasSubMenu: false, disabled: false, page: "/UnpViewScheduleMeTomorrow.xsp" }
  {label: "Permits", hasSubMenu: true, icon: "fa-file-text-o", subMenu: [
    {label: "By Address", ajaxloadid: "contentwrapper", ajaxtargetid: "content", page: "/UnpViewPermitsByAddress.xsp", disabled: false, hasSubMenu: false},
    {label: "By Number", ajaxloadid: "contentwrapper", ajaxtargetid: "content", page: "/UnpViewPermitsByNumber.xsp", disabled: false, hasSubMenu: false}, 
    {label: "By Type", ajaxloadid: "contentwrapper", ajaxtargetid: "content", page: "/UnpViewPermitsByType.xsp", disabled: false, hasSubMenu: false}
  {label: "Scheduled Inspections", hasSubMenu: true, icon: "fa-calendar", subMenu: [
    {label: "Today", ajaxloadid: "contentwrapper", ajaxtargetid: "content", hasSubMenu: false, disabled: false, page: "/UnpViewScheduleToday.xsp" },
    {label: "Tomorrow", ajaxloadid: "contentwrapper", ajaxtargetid: "content", hasSubMenu: false, disabled: false, page: "/UnpViewScheduleTomorrow.xsp" }
  {label: "Contacts", hasSubMenu: false, icon: "fa-book", ajaxloadid: "contentwrapper", ajaxtargetid: "content", disabled: false, page: "/UnpViewContacts.xsp" }

<unp:unpFlatView insetData="true" numberofrows="20" refreshmethod="pull" position="menu-aligned" viewName="v_unp_permits" xpageDoc="UnpDocPermit.xsp" title="Permits By Number" summaryColumn="permitNumber" detailColumn="cvProperty" ajaxload="Yes"></unp:unpFlatView>

<unp:unpFooter newDocLoadType="ajax" synctype="currentdb"></unp:unpFooter>
whitemx commented 10 years ago


What devices are you testing against. I have tested on 4.4.4 (Nexus 4 / 7 / 10) and 4.3 (Galaxy SIII).



reidcanavan commented 10 years ago

Galaxy Nexus and Galaxy SII LTE.

Reid On Aug 13, 2014 2:10 AM, "Matt White" notifications@github.com wrote:


What devices are you testing against. I have tested on 4.4.4 (Nexus 4 / 7 / 10) and 4.3 (Galaxy SIII).



— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/unplugged/unplugged-controls/issues/535#issuecomment-52013275 .

whitemx commented 10 years ago


Could you let me know the version numbers for Android that these devices are running so I can set up a test environment?



reidcanavan commented 10 years ago

Galaxy nexus is running 4.3 and the SII LTE is running 4.2.2.

We have Moto X devices as well which run fine ( 4.4.3 here in Canada ).

Reid On Aug 13, 2014 7:12 AM, "Matt White" notifications@github.com wrote:


Could you let me know the version numbers for Android that these devices are running so I can set up a test environment?



— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/unplugged/unplugged-controls/issues/535#issuecomment-52035565 .

whitemx commented 10 years ago

Thanks for that information. I'm now able to reproduce the problem so I will work on a fix and post it here once I understand the problem.

reidcanavan commented 10 years ago

Awesome. Thanks!

Its affecting all our field users who we provide with older phones ( as they are more prone to breaking due to the work environment ).


On Wed, Aug 13, 2014 at 12:04 PM, Matt White notifications@github.com wrote:

Thanks for that information. I'm now able to reproduce the problem so I will work on a fix and post it here once I understand the problem.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/unplugged/unplugged-controls/issues/535#issuecomment-52070031 .

tcsoft commented 10 years ago

Hi Reid,

Can you tell me how pressing an issue this is for you, so that we can triage it into the next release.

Tim Clark Director of Professional Services Teamstudio

reidcanavan commented 10 years ago

It has stopped all our field workers from being able to use any app using the controls ( for us it's all our apps ). I have had to stop development as it affects about half our users.

Reid On Aug 14, 2014 8:04 AM, "Tim Clark" notifications@github.com wrote:

Hi Reid,

Can you tell me how pressing an issue this is for you, so that we can triage it into the next release.

Tim Clark Director of Professional Services Teamstudio

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/unplugged/unplugged-controls/issues/535#issuecomment-52174859 .

whitemx commented 10 years ago

So far tracked this down that it was working properly in v3.1 controls, but not in 3.2 or 3.3.

whitemx commented 10 years ago

This problem has now been resolved. It is related to a difference between the stock Android browser which no longer is used by Android (but was up to Android 4.1) and Chrome. I have added a fix to the unplugged.js Script Library, so the new version of the file can simply be copied across and the problem should be resolved.

The new version of the file can be accessed here: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/unplugged/unplugged-controls/f6c63b6c643808ac390701880e17f0fc911bafe6/nsf/Code/ScriptLibraries/unplugged.js

reidcanavan commented 10 years ago

The menu now goes away, however, pressing the menu button will not bring it up.


On Fri, Aug 15, 2014 at 4:59 AM, Matt White notifications@github.com wrote:

This problem has now been resolved. It is related to a difference between the stock Android browser which no longer is used by Android (but was up to Android 4.1) and Chrome. I have added a fix to the unplugged.js Script Library, so the new version of the file can simply be copied across and the problem should be resolved.

The new version of the file can be accessed here: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/unplugged/unplugged-controls/f6c63b6c643808ac390701880e17f0fc911bafe6/nsf/Code/ScriptLibraries/unplugged.js

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/unplugged/unplugged-controls/issues/535#issuecomment-52287134 .