Hi, I am using unplugin icons with a Sveltekit project. Just did a preview and noticed each icon has its own js file created. There are pages where I use like 50 icons, so that's 50 of these files. Is this the intended behavior?
import {s as u, q as o, r as c, H as v, u as d, b as f, l as w, f as h, v as m, i as x, n as g, w as _} from "./scheduler.C8pNHso9.js";
import {g as p} from "./spread.CN4WR7uZ.js";
import {S as B, i as H} from "./index.TZ6SeM_-.js";
function b(l) {
let e, a, r = '<path fill="currentColor" d="m4.22 11.29l7.07-7.07a6.01 6.01 0 0 1 8.49 0c2.34 2.34 2.34 6.14 0 8.49l-7.07 7.07c-2.35 2.34-6.15 2.34-8.49 0a6.01 6.01 0 0 1 0-8.49m1.42 1.42a3.98 3.98 0 0 0-1.04 3.86l5.99-5.98l4.24 4.24l3.53-3.54a3.98 3.98 0 0 0 0-5.65a3.98 3.98 0 0 0-5.65 0z"/>', n = [{
viewBox: "0 0 24 24"
}, {
width: "1.2em"
}, {
height: "1.2em"
}, l[0]], i = {};
for (let t = 0; t < n.length; t += 1)
i = o(i, n[t]);
return {
c() {
e = c("svg"),
a = new v(!0),
l(t) {
e = d(t, "svg", {
viewBox: !0,
width: !0,
height: !0
var s = f(e);
a = w(s, !0),
h() {
a.a = null,
m(e, i)
m(t, s) {
x(t, e, s),
a.m(r, e)
p(t, [s]) {
m(e, i = p(n, [{
viewBox: "0 0 24 24"
}, {
width: "1.2em"
}, {
height: "1.2em"
}, s & 1 && t[0]]))
i: g,
o: g,
d(t) {
t && h(e)
function q(l, e, a) {
return l.$$set = r=>{
a(0, e = o(o({}, e), _(r)))
e = _(e),
class S extends B {
constructor(e) {
H(this, e, q, b, u, {})
export {S as P};
This is how I am importing them:
import MdiChevronRight from 'virtual:icons/mdi/chevron-right'
Hi, I am using unplugin icons with a Sveltekit project. Just did a preview and noticed each icon has its own js file created. There are pages where I use like 50 icons, so that's 50 of these files. Is this the intended behavior?
This is how I am importing them:
Originally posted by @galaczi in https://github.com/unplugin/unplugin-icons/discussions/372