unpoller / unpoller

Application: Collect ALL UniFi Controller, Site, Device & Client Data - Export to InfluxDB or Prometheus
MIT License
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promunifi: (fix typo) Original title: Prometheus getting a Connection Refused when Scraping #303

Closed michaelpietzsch closed 3 years ago

michaelpietzsch commented 3 years ago

Hi guys,

heres my .conf segment

[prometheus] disable = false http_listen = "" report_errors = false

I am using kubernetes to scrape the pod... autodiscovery works fine

annotations: prometheus.io/path: /metrics prometheus.io/port: "9130" prometheus.io/scrape: "true"

But i am getting a connection refused from the pod any ideas? image

davidnewhall commented 3 years ago

Need to pass through port 9130.

michaelpietzsch commented 3 years ago

@davidnewhall what do you mean by that?

davidnewhall commented 3 years ago

I don't use Kubernetes, so I don't know. In Docker, you do it with -p 9130:9130 when you run docker run.

michaelpietzsch commented 3 years ago

@davidnewhall thanks for the input... but it works a bit different inside a k8s cluster...

michaelpietzsch commented 3 years ago

Ive found out that its using secure http now (https) can i disable that ?

davidnewhall commented 3 years ago

https is not the default. What makes you think it's using https? Have you gotten past connection refused?

michaelpietzsch commented 3 years ago

Ive looked in the logs.... 2021/02/02 08:27:24.981506 collector.go:134: [INFO] Prometheus exported at - namespace: unifipoller https....

davidnewhall commented 3 years ago

Can you show me your poller configuration?

michaelpietzsch commented 3 years ago

          debug = true
          quiet = false
          plugins = []
          disable = false
          interval = "30s"
          url = "http://influx.monitoring.svc.cluster.local:8086"
          user = "SNHa8BctioiPK5adY9GX"
          pass = "PRIVATE"
          db = "maindb"
          verify_ssl = false
        disable = false
        http_listen = ""
        report_errors = false
          dynamic = false
          url = "http://loki.monitoring.svc.cluster.local:3100"    
          url         = ""
          user        = "unifipoller"
          pass        = "PRIVATE"
          sites       = ["all"]
          save_ids    = true
          save_dpi    = true
          save_sites  = true
          hash_pii    = false
          verify_ssl  = false
          url         = ""
          user        = "unifipoller"
          pass        = "PRIVATE"
          sites       = ["all"]
          save_ids    = true
          save_dpi    = true
          save_sites  = true
          hash_pii    = false
          verify_ssl  = false
          url         = ""
          user        = "unifipoller"
          pass        = "PRIVATE"
          sites       = ["all"]
          save_ids    = true
          save_dpi    = true
          save_sites  = true
          hash_pii    = false
          verify_ssl  = false  ```
davidnewhall commented 3 years ago

https appears to be a typo in the code, here. The application only listens on http. The listener is created a few lines later, here. The listener has no SSL cert or key, so it is http only. I will fix the typo in an update.

davidnewhall commented 3 years ago

Your config is comprehensive. A few questions:

  1. You really have 3 different controllers? Curious: how many sites?
  2. Are you using InfluxDB and Prometheus?
  3. Do you need to?
  4. Is InfluxDB working?
michaelpietzsch commented 3 years ago


  1. 3 Sites....
  2. i am currently using InfluxDB aswell...
  3. Well i wanted to eventually ditch the influx...
  4. Influx works fine...
davidnewhall commented 3 years ago

What's the prometheus error? still connection refused?

michaelpietzsch commented 3 years ago

What's the prometheus error? still connection refused?

yep..... maybe im overseeing something in the kubernetes config....

davidnewhall commented 3 years ago

What owns the IP ? Are you familiar with passing ports through in k8s?

michaelpietzsch commented 3 years ago

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: unifi-poller
  namespace: monitoring
    app: unifi-poller
    type: poller
  replicas: 1
      app: unifi-poller
      type: poller
        app: unifi-poller
        type: poller
        prometheus.io/path: /metrics
        prometheus.io/port: "9130"
        prometheus.io/scrapesecure: "true"
      - name: unifi-poller
        image: golift/unifi-poller:latest
        - containerPort: 9130
          name: tcp
          protocol: TCP
        - containerPort: 9130
          name: udp
          protocol: UDP
        - name: config-volume
          mountPath: /config/unifi-poller.conf
          subPath: unifi-poller.conf

      - name: config-volume
          name: unifi-poller
michaelpietzsch commented 3 years ago

What owns the IP ? Are you familiar with passing ports through in k8s?

there is an autodiscovery concept for prometheus... inside of kubernetes containers... as you can see the container port should be open... cluster internaly

davidnewhall commented 3 years ago

I mean, I know yaml and I know config files. I don't know kubernetes as I've never run it. Nothing in this stands out as wrong. I'm just not able to look at it and tell if anything is missing or perhaps in the wrong place/indent/etc.

And yeah, it seems like you're adding annotations to tell prometheus how to scrape this thing. scrapesecure should probably be false since it's not using https (but I'm only assuming that means https).

It seems like you wouldn't even need to pass the port through. In my setup, in unRAID (Docker), I run prometheus and poller in the same network bridge, so I don't forward port 9130 at all. I use docker DNS to connect to the container by name (across the Docker network). It works beautifully. I can't really pinpoint what's going on here, but maybe others can. I'll drop a note on the Discord.

michaelpietzsch commented 3 years ago

@davidnewhall you've been helpful. Pinpointing the string typo in the code is already good when isolating this issue. We will see maybe someone uses kubernetes. Once everything is running i would be happy to share my yaml config as templates to the project...

michaelpietzsch commented 3 years ago

@davidnewhall Issue is solved now... the change was... ive added an additional site... now somebody please explain this to me... i did also some testing added a sidecar container and could access the metrics....