unprll-project / unprll

Digital privacy-oriented currency for the commons
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Open Question: Incentivization of PoW verification (Proof-of-proof-of-work) #5

Open christobias opened 5 years ago

christobias commented 5 years ago

Problem: Since the Unprll Proof-of-work is expensive to verify, sync-up is slow. Hence, shifting verification to the miner network and giving them another chance to earn ULL is a good idea. Since verification can occur in parallel, multithreaded miners can have a chance without having to resort to multiple wallets, further keeping single core mining competitive.

This thread is open for discussion on implementing such a feature

RadiantAeon commented 5 years ago

I say we do something similar to masternodes. However, I feel like that conflicts with a vision of 1 cpu 1 voice because people with more coin will hold more power.

christobias commented 5 years ago

Yes, ideally I'd make it similar to mining and keep it a competition between miners

noxstream commented 5 years ago

idea => https://blog.turtlecoin.lol/archives/running-a-public-node-for-fun-profit/

christobias commented 5 years ago

@noxsphere I remember seeing that page a long time ago. But that's for running a public node and not paying a verifier. I do have an idea for passive earning on Unprll, but that will have to wait for later

noxstream commented 5 years ago

misread oupsss ;)

ovsiannikov commented 5 years ago

something like this https://www.veriblock.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/PoP-White-Paper.pdf i'm find this awesome

christobias commented 5 years ago

That's an interesting idea, but that's for inheriting proof-of-work from other chains onto your current chain :)

ovsiannikov commented 5 years ago

look on it like external checkpoint storage

christobias commented 5 years ago

I have a potential idea for this. Ideally an algorithmic solution is preferable, but if that can't be done, a threat-based approach could be taken. Suppose a verifier wishes to get paid for verifying proofs-of-work. They will have to pledge a certain amount of his current balance as a "security deposit". Then, after a set number of blocks have passed without any invalid proofs, the verifier gets paid his original deposit and an extra amount for his services (Possibly more for any invalid blocks they did find during that timeframe). In case an invalid proof was seen (and it wasn't at the highest block at that time), all deposits are confiscated/burned.

Opinions and critique welcomed :)

RadiantAeon commented 5 years ago

That would benefit people who purposely broadcast invalid hashes to themselves to gain more coin.

christobias commented 5 years ago

Hmm, so extra payment for invalid blocks is counterproductive.