unsky / Deformable-ConvNets-caffe

Deformable Convolutional Networks on caffe
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ResNet50_dcn_iter_30000.caffemodel #23

Closed haoliyoupai09 closed 6 years ago

haoliyoupai09 commented 6 years ago

You mentioned that use faster rcnn Train &test: ./experiments/scripts/faster_rcnn_end2end.sh 0 ResNet50 pascal_voc However, an error appeared, File not found: /home/kyl/Deformable-ConvNets-caffe/deformable_conv_faster-rcnn/output/faster_rcnn_end2end/voc_2007_trainval/ResNet50_dcn_iter_30000.caffemodel. Could you tell me how to solve this problem or where to download this pretrained caffemodel.