unslothai / unsloth

Finetune Llama 3.2, Mistral, Phi & Gemma LLMs 2-5x faster with 80% less memory
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Could not do sft on qwen 2 #1130

Open Naozumi520 opened 2 hours ago

Naozumi520 commented 2 hours ago

RuntimeError: Unsloth: The tokenizer ../NovaLLM_7b_20241013_serverChatHistoryMsgPT-s1-epoch=1.0 does not have a {% if add_generation_prompt %} for generation purposes. Please file a bug report immediately - thanks!

Finetune using LLaMA-Factory, both default and qwen template did not work.

the chat_template in tokenzier_config.json:

"chat_template": "{%- if tools %}\n    {{- '<|im_start|>system\\n' }}\n    {%- if messages[0]['role'] == 'system' %}\n        {{- messages[0]['content'] }}\n    {%- else %}\n        {{- 'You are a helpful assistant.' }}\n    {%- endif %}\n    {{- \"\\n\\n# Tools\\n\\nYou may call one or more functions to assist with the user query.\\n\\nYou are provided with function signatures within <tools></tools> XML tags:\\n<tools>\" }}\n    {%- for tool in tools %}\n        {{- \"\\n\" }}\n        {{- tool | tojson }}\n    {%- endfor %}\n    {{- \"\\n</tools>\\n\\nFor each function call, return a json object with function name and arguments within <tool_call></tool_call> XML tags:\\n<tool_call>\\n{\\\"name\\\": <function-name>, \\\"arguments\\\": <args-json-object>}\\n</tool_call><|im_end|>\\n\" }}\n{%- else %}\n    {%- if messages[0]['role'] == 'system' %}\n        {{- '<|im_start|>system\\n' + messages[0]['content'] + '<|im_end|>\\n' }}\n    {%- else %}\n        {{- '<|im_start|>system\\nYou are a helpful assistant.<|im_end|>\\n' }}\n    {%- endif %}\n{%- endif %}\n{%- for message in messages %}\n    {%- if (message.role == \"user\") or (message.role == \"system\" and not loop.first) or (message.role == \"assistant\" and not message.tool_calls) %}\n        {{- '<|im_start|>' + message.role + '\\n' + message.content + '<|im_end|>' + '\\n' }}\n    {%- elif message.role == \"assistant\" %}\n        {{- '<|im_start|>' + message.role }}\n        {%- if message.content %}\n            {{- '\\n' + message.content }}\n        {%- endif %}\n        {%- for tool_call in message.tool_calls %}\n            {%- if tool_call.function is defined %}\n                {%- set tool_call = tool_call.function %}\n            {%- endif %}\n            {{- '\\n<tool_call>\\n{\"name\": \"' }}\n            {{- tool_call.name }}\n            {{- '\", \"arguments\": ' }}\n            {{- tool_call.arguments | tojson }}\n            {{- '}\\n</tool_call>' }}\n        {%- endfor %}\n        {{- '<|im_end|>\\n' }}\n    {%- elif message.role == \"tool\" %}\n        {%- if (loop.index0 == 0) or (messages[loop.index0 - 1].role != \"tool\") %}\n            {{- '<|im_start|>user' }}\n        {%- endif %}\n        {{- '\\n<tool_response>\\n' }}\n        {{- message.content }}\n        {{- '\\n</tool_response>' }}\n        {%- if loop.last or (messages[loop.index0 + 1].role != \"tool\") %}\n            {{- '<|im_end|>\\n' }}\n        {%- endif %}\n    {%- endif %}\n{%- endfor %}\n{%- if add_generation_prompt %}\n    {{- '<|im_start|>assistant\\n' }}\n{%- endif %}\n",
Naozumi520 commented 2 hours ago

My config:

### model
model_name_or_path: ../NovaLLM_7b_20241013_serverChatHistoryMsgPT-s1-epoch=1.0

### method
stage: sft
do_train: true
finetuning_type: full
use_unsloth: true
use_galore: true
galore_layerwise: true
galore_target: all
galore_rank: 128
galore_scale: 2.0

### dataset
dataset: somedataset
template: qwen
cutoff_len: 1024
overwrite_cache: true
preprocessing_num_workers: 16

### output
output_dir: ../output
logging_steps: 10
save_steps: 500
plot_loss: true
overwrite_output_dir: true

### train
per_device_train_batch_size: 1
learning_rate: 1.0e-4
num_train_epochs: 2.0
lr_scheduler_type: cosine
warmup_ratio: 0.1
pure_bf16: true
bf16: true
ddp_timeout: 180000000

### eval
val_size: 0.15
per_device_eval_batch_size: 1
eval_strategy: steps
eval_steps: 250

report_to: wandb
run_name: 7b