unsoluble / smalltime

A small FoundryVTT module for displaying and controlling the current time of day.
MIT License
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Bug Report: Upon First Starting Up World, All Lighting and Darkness Broken #178

Closed GorgoPrimus closed 11 months ago

GorgoPrimus commented 1 year ago

Ever since the last version or so of V11 I've found that upon first starting up a World the screen will blink for a second and then all Darkness and Lighting effects will disappear. To be clear, they're enabled and present on the map but not visible. This fixes itself upon refreshing the page. After trying various things I've found that this only happens with Smalltime enabled upon loading. I'm also not seeing any Errors in the log.

This is on Firefox 115.0.1 (64-bit) and Windows 11.

unsoluble commented 1 year ago

Can't reproduce anything like that here, in latest Chrome, FF, Edge, or Opera, on macOS. Try other browsers, try in a new test world.

GorgoPrimus commented 1 year ago

It's not present on Edge, but it keeps happening on my Firefox. It also isn't happening in a fresh test world with the same modules activated, so I'm not sure what's wrong then. :/ It's fine on load up for a second and then disables itself every time I start up the world.

unsoluble commented 1 year ago

And this happens with SmallTime as the only module enabled in that world? And doesn't happen with zero modules enabled?

GorgoPrimus commented 1 year ago

Hmm, actually with just smalltime activated it works fine... but it also worked fine with everything but smalltime turned on. I guess something is reacting with Smalltime oddly? I'd use Find the Culprit but since the error only appears on world loading and fixes on refreshes that won't help me much. I'll try various combinations manually I guess. Thanks for looking into this.