unstoppabledomains / gitcoin-bounties

Gitcoin bounties for integrating UnstoppableDomains features
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Integrating UNS “Login with Unstoppable” #4

Open snowsledge opened 2 years ago

snowsledge commented 2 years ago

Prize Title

Integrating “Login with Unstoppable” as a Dapp login option

Prize Bounty

$1000 USDC + $500 in domain credits per Dapp integration.

Capped at 50 different Dapp integrations ($50k USDC and $25k domain credits in total).

NOTE: No repeated Dapp integrations are allowed. This include forks of valid submissions within this current hackathon or old submissions from previous bounties and hackathons that are organised by UnstoppableDomains/Gitcoin.

Challenge Description

Integrate the “Login with Unstoppable” feature as a login option on your Dapp OR submit a PR to merge this feature as a login option on an existing DeFi/NFT dapp. Check out this one-pager to understand more about the “Login with Unstoppable” feature for UnstoppableDomain NFT domains.

Submission Requirements

In the repository submitted, please make sure to include a README.md file with the following information:

The project submitted must be open source at the point of submission and the repository should remain open-source after the Hackathon is done.

Judging Criteria

Judges will check the execution of the feature integration through the recorded video demo OR by cloning the dapp locally to test the integration. If the integration is working as intended and fulfil the condition of not being a duplicate of submissions, the bounty will be issued accordingly.

Winner Announcement Date

Participants submission deadline is February 10th, 2022. Judges review deadline is February 20th, 2022 (judges can ask teams for clarifying questions between 11th and 20th of February).


Main resources:

Additional resources that might help:

gitcoinbot commented 2 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

This issue now has a funding of 50000.0 USDC (50000.0 USD @ $1.0/USDC) attached to it.

gitcoinbot commented 2 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work has been started.

These users each claimed they can complete the work by 3 months, 1 week ago. Please review their action plans below:

1) seth-mckilla has started work.

Simple dApp to view your NFT portfolio 2) d4mk0 has started work.

Login with unstopable 3) grace22411 has started work.

Create a web dapp that allows login with unstoppable 4) soptq has started work.

This project allows Gnosis-Safe deligation via Metamask, Ledger or even other providers. It can be logged in with Unstoppable Domain! Please check readme of the repo for full details. 5) rafared has started work.

dApp Login using Unstopable 6) stefan1612 has started work.

Portfolio dapp checking your ERC20 holdings. 7) rajatbeladiya has started work.

Lucky Pool will be No Loss Lottery Dapp with integration of unstoppable domains 8) gregtrifan has started work.

Y Project - a DApp featuring Login With Unstoppable 9) rohithandique has started work.

A dapp that lets users find contract address from token name. This dapp is for Schelling Point Virtual Hackathon. 10) tango132 has started work.

Create a web dapp that allows login with unstoppable 11) stephanep has started work.

one line bio page for blockchain, similar to one tree but for blockchain 12) kupernico has started work.

Integrating “Login with Unstoppable” as a Dapp login option 13) 0xpr0f has started work.

This creates a stream that can be minted as a nft and all as an unstoppable domain holder 14) harjaapdhillon16 has started work.

Generate Random NFT's ! 15) pfed-prog has started work.

The project integrates Unstoppable Domains with Algorand Blockchain to Get the Current Block number and Wallet connected addresses. 16) soheil555 has started work.

I will add "Login With Unstoppable" as a login option to my NFT MarketPlace project. 17) leowangj has started work.

Guess the number to get the NFT game (1-50) has 10 NFTs in the prize pool, each time guessing it needs to pay 0.08 eth, guess it can get a NFT 18) praise-eze has started work.

NFT House is a place where you can create, sell and buy NFTs 19) lakshh07 has started work.

Decentralised cloud storage built on top of web3 technologies 20) andermarce has started work.

Solution for Login with Unstoppable 21) mihir-bl has started work.

Send other users messages on-chain. This is a better alternative to centralized platforms 22) henrique1837 has started work.

NFTs collections generated by users that grants participation in a DAO 23) kaspars-gailitis has started work.

The aim of the project would be to create and scaffold a simple dApp which would use Unstoppabledomains login feature. The app later would be extended to support browsing and connecting your wallet 24) imerkle has started work.

fees.wtf 25) electrone901 has started work.

NFT Pixels is a social dApp built for anyone who loves painting, design, and drawing. NFT Pixels is an NFT platform where creators and makers can sell their NFTs, as well as create them within our simple online pixel art editor. 26) sidduhere has started work.

Otter Clam is a decentralized MEME reserve currency project on polygon and I added unstoppable domains wallet and domain integreation with the front end forked Repo: https://github.com/sidduHERE/otter-frontend.git 27) piyushpi07 has started work.

This is a marketplace for minting and trading rinkeby punks, this is a testnet app made only for the hackathon. 28) j0nl1 has started work.

At Daobank, we believe that everyone should have access to high-quality financial services. We are working to create tools which helps final user to manage their finance and investment more effectively and securely. 29) 4metaverse has started work.

Create a web dApp that allows login with unstoppable and staking 30) coder4ever has started work.

Art Plus Food is an NFT platform where chefs and food creators can sell, buy and trade their recipes. 31) raghav-sharma272381 has started work.

I have a hobby NFT artwork project that I plan to integrate the unstoppable login with 32) denimcodes has started work.

CoW Protocol is a fully permissionless trading protocol that leverages Batch Auctions as its price finding mechanism. CoW protocol enables batch auctions to maximize liquidity via Coincidence of Wants (CoWs) in addition to tapping all available on-chain liquidity whenever needed. Batch Auctions are continuously run by the protocol because the solvers, the parties in charge of finding the most optimal settlement for the batch, are in competition to settle it. The winning solver will be the one that can maximize traders surplus by either having the most optimal CoW, finding the best liquidity sources, or combining both in a single settlement. 33) ikalonji has started work.

Mobile custodial wallet using Algorand. Will integrate unstoppable domains login. 34) snowdot has started work.

Integration of UD login for the POAP Place web app, a useful and easy to use tool that will allow users to display their creativity and generate beautiful POAPs. 35) alexlixandru has started work.

Be the first one to find out about new updates, new champions, new items and different strategies about League of Legends that you can apply to become a better lol player. Our articles and tools can help you gain the knowledge and skills needed as a high-rank player in no time. In order to access this content you just have to login with Unstoppable Domains and own one of our NFT's. Only then the content will be available to you! 36) ben-razor has started work.

Dev Pipes is a decentralized project manager where anybody with a wallet can top-down decompose your problems.

Login With Unstoppable will be implemented. 37) mcisne4 has started work.

2048 as a dapp on the blockchain. Initial login will be done through "Login with Unstoppable" 38) samixdev has started work.

Integrating UNS Unstoppable Domains login functionality in helloworld.social A social connection web app that allows the users to discover their network using their Ethereum address where they can follow and explore balances, NFTs, POAPs, activity and much more... 39) mario-work has started work.

Decentralized News Portal, that running on Polygon chain, where everyone who has some news can share it by connecting their wallet to the portal (using Metamask or domain name from Unstoppable Domains) and confirm the transaction. 40) karl-edwardfpjeanmehu has started work.

App that facilitates payouts / payrolls 41) kunal528 has started work.

Lending protocol based on Algorand 42) hnihsan has started work.

Integrate Unstoppable Domain Login to Cryptopunks Market - an open source community product 43) nikhilverma360 has started work.

-A Web3 Version on "linkrtree" pages where users can see brief details about the author, ft portfolios, on-chain trust scores, manage links, receive payments, and mint NFTs.

Sports Stars is a decentralized fundraising app that allows fans to support their favorite upcoming sports stars. Upon registration, a player is able to receive tokens, early supporters are able to buy and sell their tokens. 45) jag-dev has started work.

Hodlr aims to be a decentralized web application used for viewing personal assets and information regarding cryptocurrencies. Login with Unstoppable in order to view the balances of wallets across multiple chains connected to your UNS domain. View and filter through the top 100 cryptocurrencies and view information about each coin such as market cap, current price in USD, supply, and volume. 46) ysongh has started work.

A dapp where users can use certificate template to create certificate and upload it to IPFS. I will integrating Login with Unstoppable as a Dapp Login Option 47) ray-blue has started work.

NFTickets is an NFT ticketing app for public transport that integrates Unstoppable Domains login 48) pro-gramm-er has started work.

I will build a memory game in which you can play with your own NFTs. 49) blossom124324 has started work.

Fundraising platform on blockchain where projects can create a fundraising campaign 50) lla-dusk has started work.

Friendschain is a decentralised application where people can send and receive digital friendship tokens to and from friends and anyone using wallet addresses and Unstoppable domain names on Polygon network. This product lets your Proof of Friendship stay on immutable network forever! 51) kimomight has started work.

Implementing the Unstoppable Domains login for an app where wallet activity can be visualized. 52) metaversemoon has started work.

NFT Birthday Cards is a platform that helps you protect your important memories, moments, and wishes. No more birthday cards ending up in the trash. With NFT Birthday Cards you can collect Birthday Cards, create, trade, and sell them. 53) mopdo has started work.

testing bounty properties 54) tchkvsky has started work.

Adding "Login with Unstoppable" login option to The Stripes NFT 55) laurenkumar has started work.

Myflix, a streaming service where you pay your fees with crypto 56) avinashnayak27 has started work.

What if you want to own a colour? It is possible by colour Minter 57) lambo-o has started work.

NFT gallery with Unstoppable Login 58) bradpip has started work.

I will create a website that makes it easy to discover web3 games and save them to a personalised dashboard so you can enjoy them any time you want 59) dishaagarwalla has started work.

Web3 Open Protocol for Community Management (If Discord was to take the Web3 Pill) 60) clinkypants has started work.

A simple app which shows any wallet balance integrated with Unstoppable domain login 61) rlnyc has started work.

We maintain a staking pool and distribute staking rewards to users based on their luck on spinning a prize wheel.

Demo: https://stakeshare.netlify.app/#/ 62) noeljacob has started work.

Your life story forever for all or for you. 63) awa94 has started work.

This is a link list, you can add any link that you want to save it. Login with Unstoppable is integrate, never go again to the wrong swap direction. 64) ethosgames has started work.

Friendschain is a decentralized application for people to send and receive digital tokens of friendship to/from their friends around the globe via their wallet addresses and Unstoppable domain names on Polygon Mainnet. Let your Proof of Friendship be written on the immutable ledger, forever! 65) abcdenews has started work.

This website provides a place to display your NFTs from selected sports events. You can compete in a real life race and win special NFT rewards. 66) af-development has started work.

A ticketing platform with economic incentives for ticket buyers to promote events 67) sekmet has started work.

A NFT Wallet experience

Learn more on the Gitcoin Issue Details page.

gitcoinbot commented 2 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work for 50000.0 USDC (50000.0 USD @ $1.0/USDC) has been submitted by:

  1. @soptq
  2. @pfed-prog
  3. @rafared
  4. @harjaapdhillon16
  5. @0xpr0f
  6. @praise-eze
  7. @rohithandique
  8. @mihir-bl
  9. @lakshh07
  10. @kaspars-gailitis
  11. @henrique1837
  12. @imerkle
  13. @electrone901
  14. @soheil555
  15. @sidduhere
  16. @j0nl1
  17. @piyushpi07
  18. @4metaverse
  19. @coder4ever
  20. @raghav-sharma272381
  21. @nshmadhani
  22. @denimcodes
  23. @leowangj
  24. @stefan1612
  25. @spiritbro1
  26. @ben-razor
  27. @alexlixandru
  28. @ikalonji
  29. @realcheapny
  30. @mario-work
  31. @jag-dev
  32. @ray-blue
  33. @pro-gramm-er
  34. @theslayer-666
  35. @samixdev
  36. @blossom124324
  37. @hnihsan
  38. @calm-rock
  39. @ysongh
  40. @tchkvsky
  41. @metaversemoon
  42. @rajatbeladiya
  43. @laurenkumar
  44. @mcisne4
  45. @kunal528
  46. @avinashnayak27
  47. @sabelomkhwanzi
  48. @bradpip
  49. @clinkypants
  50. @rlnyc
  51. @lambo-o
  52. @ethosgames
  53. @kimomight
  54. @abcdenews
  55. @dishaagarwalla
  56. @seth-mckilla
  57. @crypto-craze
  58. @af-development
  59. @snowdot
  60. @nikhilverma360
  61. @sekmet

@snowsledge please take a look at the submitted work:

lukerhoads commented 2 years ago

Does it have to get merged if we decide to integrate on a current dapp? Or can we submit it as a PR and leave merging up to the maintainers?


gitcoinbot commented 2 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

The funding of 50000.0 USDC (50000.00 USD @ $1.0/USDC) attached to this issue has been approved & issued to @soptq.

gitcoinbot commented 2 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

The funding of 50000.0 USDC (50000.00 USD @ $1.0/USDC) attached to this issue has been approved & issued to @soptq.

gitcoinbot commented 2 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

The funding of 50000.0 USDC (50000.00 USD @ $1.0/USDC) attached to this issue has been approved & issued to @soptq.

gitcoinbot commented 2 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

The funding of 50000.0 USDC (50000.00 USD @ $1.0/USDC) attached to this issue has been approved & issued to @soptq.

gitcoinbot commented 2 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

The funding of 50000.0 USDC (50000.00 USD @ $1.0/USDC) attached to this issue has been approved & issued to @soptq.