unstoppabledomains / gitcoin-bounties

Gitcoin bounties for integrating UnstoppableDomains features
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Integrating Login with Unstoppable: A Web3 SSO #9

Open charliebrooksman opened 2 years ago

charliebrooksman commented 2 years ago

Prize Title Integrating “Login with Unstoppable” as a Dapp login option

Prize Bounty $300 USDC + $600 in domain credits per Dapp integration.

Capped at 50 different Dapp integrations ($15k USDC and $30k domain credits in total).

NOTE: No repeated Dapp integrations are allowed. This include forks of valid submissions within this current hackathon or old submissions from previous bounties and hackathons that are organized by Unstoppable Domains/Gitcoin.

Challenge Description Integrate the “Login with Unstoppable” feature as a login option on your Dapp OR submit a PR to merge this feature as a login option on an existing DeFi/NFT dapp.

Check out this [onboarding guide](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FhnxFq43EbScZwQiipu6et3exWkc_YcnFepCXVrFc8k/edit) to understand more about the “Login with Unstoppable” feature for Unstoppable Domains NFT domains.

Submission Requirements In the repository submitted, please make sure to include a README.md file with the following information:

Join our Discord for Live Support


From there you can verify your account in #verify by hitting “Start Verification” and following the instructions! *If you do not see two buttons below, please update your Discord app or open it on the computer or the web browser. Once verified, head to #help-centre and ping @Community Mod or @Community Team and ask for the Dwebber role for the Hackathon!A mod or Community Team member will give you the role and you’ll gain access to the WEB3 Hub where you can chat and interact with other developers in the community.”

gitcoinbot commented 2 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

This issue now has a funding of 300.0 USDC attached to it as part of the unstoppabledomains fund.

gitcoinbot commented 2 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work has been started.

These users each claimed they can complete the work by an hour from now. Please review their action plans below:

1) soptq has started work.

I will integrate UD login with my DAPP 2) nwakakukaks has started work.

i will integrate my dapp with unstoppable login 3) sambitsargam has started work.

I'm added domain login to my dapp recycle nft dao 4) 4metaverse has started work.

Phase is an app that aims to decentralize the industry of music by allowing artists to own their creations, data, and materials. Every user can create a Profile that is represented as an NFT and people can mint and become an investor. 5) gconnect has started work.

Login with unstoppable integration on a lottery dapp 6) blessingnwakaku has started work.

this is an NFT auction website that has login with unstoppable domain integrated into it 7) nwakaku has started work.

CryptoPunk Dapp With Unstoppable Domain for login 8) nshmadhani has started work.

Its an app where you can buy users a cup of Joe for their efforts 9) abhijeet0401 has started work.


Artists should have ownership of their music and be able to freely trade their ownership of their music.

Listeners should be able to listen to high-quality music and be able to directly support their favorite artists.

Today Web2 Apps own all user data

Users don't have control on their data

Login can be easily login with bots and fake profile Solution

Artists can upload their music as an NFT which gives them ownership of their music

Which then can be freely traded on any NFT marketplace

They can also attach royalties to their music so that when ownership of the song is traded between owners, they get a portion of the revenue

Music is also uploaded as lossless .wav files thanks to IPFS and Filecoin providing a safe and easy way to store large files.

This allows listeners to have access to the original audio that the artist intended for them to hear. The platform also supports tipping your favorite artists with NEAR tokens, so listeners support their favorite artists directly.

Integrated it with Unstoppable Domain so the user have control on the data , user can use scope to give access to website and enabled with Humanity Check so that BOT can't be entertained Why Login With Integrated Unstoppable Domain

Unstoppable Domain web3 Login is one the most viable web3 login available in the market. Web2 Login in the market faces many challenges the app and companies hold the data of the user . these data can be traded with 3rd party , the user don't have control on the data and many web2 faces challenges due to bot login

On the other hand Unstoppable Domain web3Login is 3rd generation login that has evolved to solve this issue. How It's Built

There are two parts to the applications. The frontend was built using NextJS to support a faster and easier development workflow. The backend was obviously built using NEAR protocol and I did not require any 3rd party backend.

The frontend was built using NextJS to support a faster and easier development workflow. The backend was built using NEAR protocol .The login integration is done by unstopabble domains 10) faithful1ofall has started work.

This program help users bother newbies to access the NFT market with less risk because we will build an insurance mechanism to make sure NFTs has a consistent value at every point in time so as not losing its own buy ack value we intend to build a marketplace where NFTs will not have decreasing value instead will have increasing value. 11) h1xten has started work.

EasyExplorer is a multichain explorer. EasyExplorer allows users to easily find address data on provided networks. Using this explorer you can searching for completed transactions and checking their status, checking the presence of tokens in the wallet and information about these tokens. The user can log in using Unstoppable and see all the information about his wallet. 12) giggling-ginger has started work.

a decentralised-twitter where users can login in with ud 13) cjustinobi has started work.

Food vendor dApp that allows different sellers to list their menus and have their business get patronized. 14) ikalonji has started work.

Adding unstoppable domains login functionality to Mobile DStorage dapp. 15) sabelomkhwanzi has started work.

Integrating Login with Unstoppable on my DApp 16) alluringambiguous has started work.

A login with unstoppable integration implementation. 17) ysongh has started work.

A decentralized email and web3 platform where you can send encrypted email. I will integrate Login With Unstoppable. 18) rukmani887799 has started work.

A NFT EXPLORER .... WITH ALL THE BLOCKCHAIN 19) shepherliu has started work.

Green-Dao is a web3 dao paltform for the public goods that make the world more green and sustainable. 20) 0xfuje has started work.

Unstoppable Login and Resolution integrations made for the Money Legos Hackathon 21) stefan1612 has started work.

Its a wallet that lets you transfer ether directly to any address you'd like, as well as transfer funds across multiple chains. You login via Unstoppable Domain. 22) rafared has started work.

TABS3 will be a platform that makes it easy to save the tabs of your favorite songs in one place, using your unstopabble domain. 23) laurenkumar has started work.

Search for any information a unstoppable domain may have and connect using unstoppable domain login. 24) iamprabho has started work.

Simple Login Button and Logout button with Popup to help to connect Wallet and to sign a contract. Authorize about domain with unstoppable and also NFT domain platform. 25) shuajj has started work.

Although currently Twitter is still the main social platform for crypto people, it’s still a web2 platform and crypto is just a small part of it. Second of all, without identity verification, there are lots of scammers pretending they are crypto professionals. So sometimes, people can connect with wrong person. There are not many decentralized features and technologies involved as well. Last but not least, nowadays in crypto, how can we miss earnings while using the app?

Also we don’t have an authenticated platform like LinkedIn in web3 where users can connect professionals or find a job. There are some job listing app in web3, however, talents in crypto such as web3 developers, they seem not likely to apply for a job through this kind of site with a resume. In web3, projects tend to hire the people they know or connected via friends. This is actually difficult in most of the time. If we can do this through a dapp, things would be faster and easier.

Here comes CryptoIn, a web3 professional social platform built with decentralized technologies! 26) karangorania has started work.

We have made Buy Me Coffee with web3 technology. We have integrated Login with Unstoppable. 27) lucianofbn has started work.

W3link is an easy way to have a profile with custom links on the web 3. 28) shabbiryk has started work.

Resci Data Wallet flips the data economy on its head by giving data sovereignty back to the creators - research participants - and empowering researchers with tools for collaboration, sharing, and reproducible workflows. 29) nirman0706 has started work.

A full mint website with "login with unstoppable" implementation 30) fraanetski has started work.

FilecoinInterface is a simple interfacing DApp for the Filecoin network. The goal is to allow anybody to easily store data, pay for long-term persistence, and retrieve their data from IPFS using Filecoin as the payment layer. 31) realcheapny has started work.

Decentraland is a platform where people can buy, sell, rent, and trade physical properties using web3 technologies. 32) coder4ever has started work.

MEME DAO is a platform that gives credits to meme creators and allows people to post memes and bids to an auction that they can approve or reject

Then when the auction is closed, the highest bidder is charged (if someone withdraws their allowance before closing they are no longer eligible) and is then able to collect their nft.

Mirrors can't be collected (users can still bid, but the frontend shouldn't give them the option).

Allows followers to include a "member" flag in the call to follow. This charges them a fee and adds them to the module's storage as a member of the profile. A whitelist could be implemented. 33) quantumsqrl has started work.

Wiki platform built with decentralized file storage tech to store humanity's engineering knowledge on censorship resistant tech. Login with UNS option available. 34) jpswelch has started work.

Basic Login with Unstoppable Domains 35) jocxyen has started work.

Peer to peer NFT Lending Market 36) adiig7 has started work.

Coffee By Wallet is a project where any person can support my work by donating a minimal amount of Ether. In the next few days, I'll be expanding this project where anyone can donate to any creator, educator or any other who is doing some good work for the society. 37) metaversemoon has started work.

Bookswap 38) rolic-hub has started work.

An Nft marketplace 39) denimcodes has started work.

CryptoPay is a platform to create crypto payments profile and get paid across different blockchains. 40) electrone901 has started work.

DeMovies Club is the World’s first decentralized Movie Studio World. 41) ayush035 has started work.

A Contributory pension scheme for web3 users. As the Blockchain ecosystem continues to grow, there is a need for web3 clients and organizations to adopt a pension scheme that will help users retire well in the future. Pension Finance was conceived to help users contribute their pension into a smart contract vault that will be invested on their behalf. The contribution will continue to yield interest for them until they retire. this is a great investment idea for one's retirement. 42) dhrumishah has started work.

A clone of Twitter made in Web3. A user can connect the wallet and add tweets on the blockchain and can delete them too. Tweets added by the users are shown in the feed. 43) kartikchoubisa has started work.

It is a strawpoll that saves cost of voting during governance poll. 44) webroyit has started work.

Adding Unstoppable Login 45) itsdivgithub has started work.

RecycloMade is a decentralized organization that aims to encourage people to recycle waste items and make something unique & best out of them in order to make Earth a better place to live in. We aim to build a community of enthusiasts who'll help us achieve our goal of creating 1 million handmade items by recycling waste items. People can log in through Unstoppable Domain and participate in RecycloMade LotteryGame by creating the best out of waste & minting its picture through our Dapp . We will randomly select participants and reward them with gifts.

Learn more on the Gitcoin Issue Details page.

gitcoinbot commented 2 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work for 300.0 USDC (300.00 USD @ $1.0/USDC) has been submitted by:

  1. @soptq
  2. @4metaverse
  3. @sambitsargam
  4. @gconnect
  5. @blessingnwakaku
  6. @nshmadhani
  7. @abhijeet0401
  8. @faithful1ofall
  9. @nwakaku
  10. @h1xten
  11. @giggling-ginger
  12. @cjustinobi
  13. @ikalonji
  14. @alluringambiguous
  15. @nwakakukaks
  16. @ysongh
  17. @janvinsha
  18. @rukmani887799
  19. @shepherliu
  20. @stefan1612
  21. @rg12301
  22. @rafared
  23. @nonitmittal
  24. @laurenkumar
  25. @sabelomkhwanzi
  26. @iamprabho
  27. @shuajj
  28. @vishal-143x
  29. @lucianofbn
  30. @karangorania
  31. @shabbiryk
  32. @nirman0706
  33. @fraanetski
  34. @realcheapny
  35. @coder4ever
  36. @quantumsqrl
  37. @jpswelch
  38. @jocxyen
  39. @adiig7
  40. @sahildotexe
  41. @ananyaagupta
  42. @metaversemoon
  43. @rolic-hub
  44. @denimcodes
  45. @electrone901
  46. @ayush035
  47. @aviral10x
  48. @dhrumishah
  49. @kartikchoubisa
  50. @webroyit
  51. @itsdivgithub
  52. @vanshgehlot

@charliebrooksman please take a look at the submitted work:

ayush035 commented 2 years ago

Hey , I am very sorry but the URL to the GitHub repo that I've submitted isn't working as the URL was wrong so the right URL is https://github.com/ayush035/PensionFi Sorry for the inconvenience.

cjustinobi commented 1 year ago

Hey, I would like to know if payment has been made for this hackathon?

adiig7 commented 1 year ago


Not yet, please do the payment in this wallet address: 0x7AcE98865e68C6d28f30A7341e36Cca3B17Dd773 The wallet address I submitted in the hackathon has been compromised now, So please make the payment in the address that I mentioned above.

When can I get the payment?

Regards Thank you

On Fri, 16 Sept 2022 at 15:18, Justin @.***> wrote:

Hey, I would like to know if payment has been made for this hackathon?

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