unstoppabledomains / uauth

Libraries for integrating Unstoppable Authentication (UAuth)
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NFT Mall: Modal not accepting inputs #24

Open charliebrooksman opened 2 years ago

charliebrooksman commented 2 years ago

Partner reports that modal isn't accepting inputs. Issue is viewable live here: https://staging.nftmall.io/

perfect-cents commented 2 years ago

These types if issues are caused because there is an obstruction in front of the input, and if an input is behind a div, it won't be responsive. I suspect that this is because the modal is in a lower stacking context due to its parent’s lower z-index. I took a look at the staging site and the "chakra-portal" div in front of the modal ui (If you delete that div from the ui, the modal becomes interactive again).

However, the modal can be mounted on a container of your choice. Using the uiOptions you can specify a container you've made yourself. Just make sure this container is in front of the chakra portal in front of the modal and the modal will be interactive.

const uauthOptions = {
  uiOptions: {
    container: document.getElementById("my-container")

Check out this article for a little more context on how to debug z-index problems https://coder-coder.com/z-index-isnt-working/.

charliebrooksman commented 2 years ago

after providing the above information, NFTMall is experiencing an issue: "the login modal opens our site instead of closing." They shared a video in the Unstoppable Domains <> NFTMall telegram chat.

charliebrooksman commented 2 years ago

update from NFTMall: Shall i update client credentials after update redirect urls on unstoppable dashboard? anyway, I updated the redirect urls on dashboard and on the code with updating api keys. but redirect uri isn't updated on the popup...