Closed roman-gnativ closed 3 months ago
overall LGTM @roman-gnativ, just a few naming / structure suggestions
Contract name | Size (KiB) | Delta (KiB) |
ENSCustody | 13.063 | 0 |
MintingManager | 18.92 | -1.136 |
ProxyReader | 15.176 | 0 |
UNSRegistry | 20.725 | 0 |
PR Checklist
Linear ticket:
Background: To deploy our registry contracts to the base chain, we have made UNS contracts unified across chains, which, in the case of the base chain, means removing the TLD config outside the minting manager contract.
What was done:
1. Contracts versioning
version of the contracts is increased if changes have been made to theUNSRegistry
version of the contracts is increased if breaking changes have been made to theUNSRegistry
contracts. It includes changes of interfaces.2. Contracts licensing
3. Coverage
4. Configs versioning
is increased if changes have been made to the config.ens-config.json
is increased if changes have been made to the config.resolver-keys.json
is increased if changes have been made to the config.ens-resolver-keys.json
is increased if changes have been made to the config.5. Package versioning
version of package is increased if valuable changes have been made to the package. It includes contracts update, configs update, etc.major.minor
version of package is synced with version ofUNSRegistry
is updated with short description for the new version.6. Code review
code review is required from DevTools teamens-resolver-keys.json
code review is required from DevTools team