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:abc: Multilingual and i18n support tool for Jekyll Blogs
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using only jekyll build seems to break the static_href tag #203

Open lucmartinon opened 1 month ago

lucmartinon commented 1 month ago


I commented on #158 2 weeks ago, but got no answer so opening a new one!

I would like to reopen this issue: I also have a project where I don't use jekyll serve, only jekyll build, since I have anyway an nginx server running to serve a data api. I seems to me that this is causing the static_href tag to not function.

I added a detailled example on a personal website that is in construction:

code here: https://gitlab.com/lucmartinon/cnrs_pfas_web/-/blob/main/frontend/pages/about.fr.md?ref_type=heads

which is published here http://vps-8ea64a15.vps.ovh.net/fr/about/

the link to /about is changed to /fr/about although it is in a static_href tag.

Beside this, fantastic plugin! thanks a lot!

george-gca commented 1 month ago

It is weird because in my template site it is working. Even though I use jekyll serve to do local tests, when I upload to GitHub pages I use jekyll build, as can be seen in this workflow. I use the static_href tag to do the language switcher, which is done here and you can see it working on the demo page. One thing that I do before calling jekyll build is export JEKYLL_ENV=production. Maybe this changes something for your case? Idk.

lucmartinon commented 1 month ago

I tried locally to set JEKYLL_ENV=production and it didn't solve the problem.

To be honest, I am not sure that the problem comes from jekyll serve vs jekyll build. This is what was suggested in #158, and since I am using jekyll serve I thought so, but I am not sure. It could also be that the problem comes from running Jekyll in a docker rather than directly on my machine, although I don't see why that should change anything.

Do you have any idea on how to investigate further? I'm happy to spend time on it, but I don't know where to start

george-gca commented 1 month ago

If you run both jekyll serve and jekyll build inside a docker but only one of them works, then the problem is not with docker.

One test to be done: try to remove the if from inside the static_href, rather do it outside.

If this doesn't work I would suggest you changing how you create the localized pages and see if this changes anything. For example, in my template I have different directories for each language and use the page_id front matter variable to identify the same page from different languages.

lucmartinon commented 1 month ago

I was not able to run jekyll serve, something was failing and I was not able to see the results, so I am not sure the problem comes from there.

I removed the if but still not working.

However I found a dirty workaround that I will use for now: since the problem is only with the links to the default language on the non-default-language page, I can add a fake language as a default language, skip this language in the loop to display my languages.

That means putting a redirect on in all my pages in case someone accesses the page without language, but that works, and that way I detect the browser language too, which is better than using the default language anyway.