unum-cloud / uform

Pocket-Sized Multimodal AI for content understanding and generation across multilingual texts, images, and 🔜 video, up to 5x faster than OpenAI CLIP and LLaVA 🖼️ & 🖋️
Apache License 2.0
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JavaScript & Swift SDK #81

Closed ashvardanian closed 3 months ago

ashvardanian commented 3 months ago

How many AI models can run on-device out of the box? UForm multimodal embeddings can 🥳

Model Parameters Languages Architecture
uform3-image-text-english-large 🆕 365M 1 6 text layers, ViT-L/14, 6 multimodal layers
uform3-image-text-english-base 143M 1 2 text layers, ViT-B/16, 2 multimodal layers
uform3-image-text-english-small 🆕 79M 1 2 text layers, ViT-S/16, 2 multimodal layers
uform3-image-text-multilingual-base 206M 21 8 text layers, ViT-B/16, 4 multimodal layers


Load the models and preprocessors for different modalities:

import { getModel, Modality } from 'uform';
import { TextProcessor, TextEncoder, ImageEncoder, ImageProcessor } from 'uform';

const { configPath, modalityPaths, tokenizerPath } = await getModel({
    modelId: 'unum-cloud/uform3-image-text-english-small',
    modalities: [Modality.TextEncoder, Modality.ImageEncoder],

Embed images:

const imageProcessor = new ImageProcessor(configPath);
await imageProcessor.init();
const processedImages = await imageProcessor.process("path/to/image.png");

const imageEncoder = new ImageEncoder(modalityPaths.image_encoder, imageProcessor);
await imageEncoder.init();
const imageOutput = await imageEncoder.encode(processedImages);
assert(imageOutput.embeddings.dims.length === 2, "Output should be 2D");

Embed queries:

const textProcessor = new TextProcessor(configPath, tokenizerPath);
await textProcessor.init();
const processedTexts = await textProcessor.process("a small red panda in a zoo");

const textEncoder = new TextEncoder(modalityPaths.text_encoder, textProcessor);
await textEncoder.init();
const textOutput = await textEncoder.encode(processedTexts);
assert(textOutput.embeddings.dims.length === 2, "Output should be 2D");
await textEncoder.dispose();


Embed images:

let imageModel = try await ImageEncoder(modelName: "unum-cloud/uform3-image-text-english-small")
let imageURL = "https://github.com/ashvardanian/ashvardanian/blob/master/demos/bbq-on-beach.jpg?raw=true"
guard let url = URL(string: imageURL),
    let imageSource = CGImageSourceCreateWithURL(url as CFURL, nil),
    let cgImage = CGImageSourceCreateImageAtIndex(imageSource, 0, nil) {
    throw Exception("Could not load image from URL: \(imageURL)")

var imageEmbedding: Embedding = try imageModel.encode(cgImage)
var imageVector: [Float32] = embedding.asFloats()

Embed queries:

let textModel = try await TextEncoder(modelName: "unum-cloud/uform3-image-text-english-small")
let text = "A group of friends enjoy a barbecue on a sandy beach, with one person grilling over a large black grill, while the other sits nearby, laughing and enjoying the camaraderie."
let textEmbedding: Embedding = try textModel.encode(text)
let textVector: [Float32] = textEmbedding.asFloats()


Load model:

from uform import get_model, Modality

model_name = 'unum-cloud/uform3-image-text-english-small'
modalities = [Modality.TEXT_ENCODER, Modality.IMAGE_ENCODER]
processors, models = get_model(model_name, modalities=modalities)

Embed images:

import requests
from io import BytesIO
from PIL import Image

image_url = 'https://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/1b/28/6b/53/lovely-armenia.jpg'
image = Image.open(BytesIO(requests.get(image_url).content))

processor_image = processors[Modality.IMAGE_ENCODER]
model_image = models[Modality.IMAGE_ENCODER]
image_data = processor_image(image)
image_features, image_embedding = model_image.encode(image_data, return_features=True)

Embed queries:

text = 'a cityscape bathed in the warm glow of the sun, with varied architecture and a towering, snow-capped mountain rising majestically in the background'

model_text = models[Modality.TEXT_ENCODER]
processor_text = processors[Modality.TEXT_ENCODER]

text_data = processor_text(text)
text_features, text_embedding = model_text.encode(text_data, return_features=True)
ashvardanian commented 3 months ago

:tada: This PR is included in version 3.0.0 :tada:

The release is available on GitHub release

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