Fast and powerful .NET spreadsheet component, support data format, freeze, outline, formula calculation, chart, script execution and etc. Compatible with Excel 2007 (.xlsx) format and working on .NET 3.5 (or client profile), WPF and Android platform.
ReoGrid 2.0 (from Windows Forms. Standard
IDE: Visual Studio 2012. Visual Basic
OS: WIndows 10
After Export to Excel do not work standard option "Format Cell" and problem with backgrounds
Creating a empty rgf file
Resizing (12 cols, approx. 100 rows), formatting and adding a background for multiple ranges of cells
Adding data (text only)
Saving with standard method Save
Exporting to Excel
Opening with Excel 2010
Do not work option "Format Cell" (Excel's window does not appear) and problems with backgrounds
Area with data have white background - OK
Areas outside the data range have an alternate color, which was previously specified only for the data area.
Code (Styling, Exporting - fragments)
Set styles
intMaxCols = ws.ColumnCount - 1
intmaxRows = ws.RowCount - 1
Dim StartStyle As New WorksheetRangeStyle
StartStyle.Flag = PlainStyleFlag.FontName Or PlainStyleFlag.FontSize Or PlainStyleFlag.AlignAll Or PlainStyleFlag.Padding Or PlainStyleFlag.TextWrap
StartStyle.FontName = xxx.strFontName
StartStyle.FontSize = CSng(Val(xxx.intCells)) 'CSng(Val(xxx.intCells))
StartStyle.HAlign = ReoGridHorAlign.Center
StartStyle.VAlign = ReoGridVerAlign.Middle
StartStyle.TextWrapMode = TextWrapMode.WordBreak
Dim DayStyleFont As New WorksheetRangeStyle
With DayStyleFont
.Flag = PlainStyleFlag.FontName Or PlainStyleFlag.FontSize Or PlainStyleFlag.AlignAll Or PlainStyleFlag.RotateAngle Or PlainStyleFlag.TextWrap
.FontName = xxx.strFontName
.FontSize = CSng(Val(xxx.int10Days))
.HAlign = ReoGridHorAlign.Center
.VAlign = ReoGridVerAlign.Middle
.RotateAngle = 90
.TextWrapMode = TextWrapMode.WordBreak
End With
Dim MainStyle As New WorksheetRangeStyle
MainStyle.Flag = PlainStyleFlag.BackColor
MainStyle.BackColor = Color.Empty
Dim AlterStyle As New WorksheetRangeStyle
AlterStyle.Flag = PlainStyleFlag.BackColor
AlterStyle.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 173, 216, 230)
Dim stlBold As New RangeBorderStyle
Dim stlSolid As New RangeBorderStyle
Dim stlDashed As New RangeBorderStyle
'Line type
stlBold.Style = BorderLineStyle.BoldSolid 'Полужирная сплошная
stlBold.Color = Color.Black
stlDashed.Style = BorderLineStyle.Dashed 'Штриховая
stlDashed.Color = Color.Black
stlSolid.Style = BorderLineStyle.Solid 'Сплошная
stlSolid.Color = Color.Black
'Start style
.SetRangeStyles(0, 0, intmaxRows, intMaxCols, StartStyle)
Dim intK1 As Integer = 1
For intI As Integer = intHeaderRowNum + 1 To intmaxRows - 8 Step 7
.SetRangeStyles(intI, 0, 1, 1, DayStyleFont)
If (intK1 Mod 2 = 0) Then
ws.SetRangeStyles(intI, 0, 7, ws.ColumnCount, AlterStyle)
ws.SetRangeStyles(intI, 0, 7, ws.ColumnCount, MainStyle)
End If
intK1 += 1
.Cells("A1").Style.FontSize = 16
ws.SetRangeBorders(intHeaderRowNum + 1, 0, intmaxRows - (intHeaderRowNum + 2), ws.ColumnCount, BorderPositions.InsideAll, stlSolid)
ws.SetRangeBorders(intHeaderRowNum + 1, 0, intmaxRows - (intHeaderRowNum + 2), ws.ColumnCount, BorderPositions.Outside, stlSolid)
For intI As Integer = intHeaderRowNum To intmaxRows - 2 Step 7
ws.SetRangeBorders(intI, 0, 1, ws.ColumnCount, BorderPositions.Bottom, stlBold)
End With
For intX As Integer = 0 To intmaxRows
For intX2 As Integer = 0 To intMaxCols
Export to Excel
Dim frmXXX As New Form
Dim rGridX As New ReoGridControl
With rGridX
.CurrentWorksheet.SelectionStyle = WorksheetSelectionStyle.Default
.CurrentWorksheet.SelectionMode = WorksheetSelectionMode.Range
.CurrentWorksheet.SelectionForwardDirection = unvell.ReoGrid.SelectionForwardDirection.Down
.CurrentWorksheet.SetSettings(WorksheetSettings.View_ShowGridLine, True)
.CurrentWorksheet.SetSettings(WorksheetSettings.View_ShowPageBreaks, True)
.CurrentWorksheet.SetSettings(WorksheetSettings.View_ShowRowHeader, True)
.CurrentWorksheet.SetSettings(WorksheetSettings.View_ShowColumnHeader, True)
.CurrentWorksheet.SetSettings(WorksheetSettings.View_AllowShowRowOutlines, True)
.CurrentWorksheet.SetSettings(WorksheetSettings.View_AllowShowColumnOutlines, True)
.CurrentWorksheet.SelectionMode = WorksheetSelectionMode.Cell
.SetSettings(WorkbookSettings.View_ShowSheetTabControl, False)
.SetSettings(WorkbookSettings.View_ShowScrolls, True)
.SetSettings(WorkbookSettings.View_ShowHorScroll, True)
.SetSettings(WorkbookSettings.View_ShowVerScroll, True)
.Load(strFileNameR, unvell.ReoGrid.IO.FileFormat.ReoGridFormat, Encoding.UTF8)
.CurrentWorksheet.ShowRows(0, intHeaderRowNum)
Dim strX As String = String.Empty
'Autocorrection (fragment)
For intI As Integer = 0 To .CurrentWorksheet.RowCount - 1
For intJ As Integer = 0 To .CurrentWorksheet.ColumnCount - 1
strX = .CurrentWorksheet.Cells(intI, intJ).DisplayText
'Other code for strings
'Change background for data areas
.CurrentWorksheet.Cells(intI, intJ).Style.BackColor = Color.White
Next intJ
Next intI
Dim strFileName As String = "xxx.xlsx"
.Save(strFileName, unvell.ReoGrid.IO.FileFormat.Excel2007)
End With
ReoGrid 2.0 (from Windows Forms. Standard IDE: Visual Studio 2012. Visual Basic OS: WIndows 10
Brief: After Export to Excel do not work standard option "Format Cell" and problem with backgrounds
Full: Actions:
Creating a empty rgf file
Resizing (12 cols, approx. 100 rows), formatting and adding a background for multiple ranges of cells
Adding data (text only)
Saving with standard method Save
Exporting to Excel
Opening with Excel 2010
Do not work option "Format Cell" (Excel's window does not appear) and problems with backgrounds Area with data have white background - OK Areas outside the data range have an alternate color, which was previously specified only for the data area.
Code (Styling, Exporting - fragments)
Set styles
Export to Excel