unverbuggt / mkdocs-encryptcontent-plugin

A MkDocs plugin that encrypt/decrypt markdown content with AES
MIT License
123 stars 15 forks source link

Plugin not working with Python 3.6 and mkdocs 1.12 #5

Closed greg-witczak closed 4 years ago

greg-witczak commented 4 years ago

I've tried to run plugin using latest versions of Python, mkdocs and mkdocs theme material. Unfortunately - I can't see any signs of plugin doing something. Site is not encrypted, logs indicate no error message.

I'm installing mkdocs and plugin using: pip install mkdocs mkdocs-material mkdocs-encryptcontent-plugin (+ few other plugins)

My mkdocs.yml file:

site_name: 'x'
  name: material
  language: 'pl'
  - search
  - encryptcontent:
      global_password: 'qwerty'
      title_prefix: '[LOCK]'
      summary: 'This site is protected by qwerty password'
  - meta
  - (+few others)
  - 'common/docs-custom.css'

My markdown file:

title: "x"
password: qwerty
Some text.

Build log:

$ mkdocs build -v            
DEBUG   -  Loading configuration file: /(...)/mkdocs.yml 
DEBUG   -  Loaded theme configuration for 'material' from '/home/username/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/material/mkdocs_theme.yml': {'language': 'en', 'direction': None, 'features': [], 'palette': {'primary': None, 'accent': None}, 'font': {'text': 'Roboto', 'code': 'Roboto Mono'}, 'icon': None, 'favicon': 'assets/images/favicon.png', 'include_search_page': False, 'search_index_only': True, 'static_templates': ['404.html']} 
DEBUG   -  Config value: 'config_file_path' = '/(...)/mkdocs.yml' 
DEBUG   -  Config value: 'site_name' = 'x' 
DEBUG   -  Config value: 'nav' = None 
DEBUG   -  Config value: 'pages' = None 
DEBUG   -  Config value: 'site_url' = '' 
DEBUG   -  Config value: 'theme' = Theme(name='material', dirs=['/home/username/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/material', '/home/username/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mkdocs/templates'], static_templates=['sitemap.xml', '404.html'], language='pl', direction=None, features=[], palette={'primary': None, 'accent': None}, font={'text': 'Roboto', 'code': 'Roboto Mono'}, icon=None, favicon='common/favicon32.png', include_search_page=False, search_index_only=True, logo='common/logo50.png') 
DEBUG   -  Config value: 'docs_dir' = '/(...)/docs' 
DEBUG   -  Config value: 'site_dir' = '/(...)/site' 
DEBUG   -  Config value: 'google_analytics' = None 
DEBUG   -  Config value: 'dev_addr' = Address(host='', port=8000) 
DEBUG   -  Config value: 'use_directory_urls' = True 
DEBUG   -  Config value: 'repo_url' = '' 
DEBUG   -  Config value: 'repo_name' = '' 
DEBUG   -  Config value: 'edit_uri' = '' 
DEBUG   -  Config value: 'extra_css' = ['common/docs-custom.css'] 
DEBUG   -  Config value: 'extra_javascript' = [] 
DEBUG   -  Config value: 'extra_templates' = [] 
DEBUG   -  Config value: 'markdown_extensions' = ['toc', 'tables', 'fenced_code', 'codehilite', 'admonition', 'sane_lists', 'meta', 'pymdownx.details', 'pymdownx.inlinehilite', 'pymdownx.magiclink', 'pymdownx.mark', 'pymdownx.caret', 'pymdownx.smartsymbols', 'pymdownx.tasklist', 'pymdownx.tilde', 'pymdownx.keys', 'pymdownx.superfences'] 
DEBUG   -  Config value: 'mdx_configs' = {'toc': {'permalink': True}, 'pymdownx.tasklist': {'custom_checkbox': True}} 
DEBUG   -  Config value: 'strict' = False 
DEBUG   -  Config value: 'remote_branch' = 'gh-pages' 
DEBUG   -  Config value: 'remote_name' = 'origin' 
DEBUG   -  Config value: 'extra' = {} 
DEBUG   -  Config value: 'plugins' = PluginCollection([('search', <mkdocs.contrib.search.SearchPlugin object at 0x7f6817d7e470>), ('encryptcontent', <encryptcontent.plugin.encryptContentPlugin object at 0x7f6816b8ada0>)]) 
INFO    -  Cleaning site directory 
INFO    -  Building documentation to directory: /(...)/site 
DEBUG   -  Reading markdown pages. 
DEBUG   -  Reading: index.md 
WARNING -  Documentation file 'index.md' contains a link to 'resources/x.zip' which is not found in the documentation files. 
DEBUG   -  Copying static assets. 
DEBUG   -  Copying media file: 'common/docs-custom.css' 
DEBUG   -  Copying media file: 'common/favicon32.png' 
DEBUG   -  Copying media file: 'common/logo50.png' 
DEBUG   -  Copying media file: 'img/db1.png' 
DEBUG   -  Copying media file: 'assets/images/favicon.png' 
DEBUG   -  Copying media file: 'assets/javascripts/bundle.4a5ba8d6.min.js' 
DEBUG   -  Copying media file: 'assets/javascripts/bundle.4a5ba8d6.min.js.map' 
DEBUG   -  Copying media file: 'assets/javascripts/lunr/min/lunr.ar.min.js' 
DEBUG   -  Copying media file: 'assets/javascripts/lunr/min/lunr.da.min.js' 
DEBUG   -  Copying media file: 'assets/javascripts/lunr/min/lunr.de.min.js' 
DEBUG   -  Copying media file: 'assets/javascripts/lunr/min/lunr.du.min.js' 
DEBUG   -  Copying media file: 'assets/javascripts/lunr/min/lunr.es.min.js' 
DEBUG   -  Copying media file: 'assets/javascripts/lunr/min/lunr.fi.min.js' 
DEBUG   -  Copying media file: 'assets/javascripts/lunr/min/lunr.fr.min.js' 
DEBUG   -  Copying media file: 'assets/javascripts/lunr/min/lunr.hu.min.js' 
DEBUG   -  Copying media file: 'assets/javascripts/lunr/min/lunr.it.min.js' 
DEBUG   -  Copying media file: 'assets/javascripts/lunr/min/lunr.ja.min.js' 
DEBUG   -  Copying media file: 'assets/javascripts/lunr/min/lunr.jp.min.js' 
DEBUG   -  Copying media file: 'assets/javascripts/lunr/min/lunr.multi.min.js' 
DEBUG   -  Copying media file: 'assets/javascripts/lunr/min/lunr.nl.min.js' 
DEBUG   -  Copying media file: 'assets/javascripts/lunr/min/lunr.no.min.js' 
DEBUG   -  Copying media file: 'assets/javascripts/lunr/min/lunr.pt.min.js' 
DEBUG   -  Copying media file: 'assets/javascripts/lunr/min/lunr.ro.min.js' 
DEBUG   -  Copying media file: 'assets/javascripts/lunr/min/lunr.ru.min.js' 
DEBUG   -  Copying media file: 'assets/javascripts/lunr/min/lunr.stemmer.support.min.js' 
DEBUG   -  Copying media file: 'assets/javascripts/lunr/min/lunr.sv.min.js' 
DEBUG   -  Copying media file: 'assets/javascripts/lunr/min/lunr.tr.min.js' 
DEBUG   -  Copying media file: 'assets/javascripts/lunr/min/lunr.vi.min.js' 
DEBUG   -  Copying media file: 'assets/javascripts/lunr/tinyseg.min.js' 
DEBUG   -  Copying media file: 'assets/javascripts/vendor.d710d30a.min.js' 
DEBUG   -  Copying media file: 'assets/javascripts/vendor.d710d30a.min.js.map' 
DEBUG   -  Copying media file: 'assets/javascripts/worker/search.9b3611bd.min.js' 
DEBUG   -  Copying media file: 'assets/javascripts/worker/search.9b3611bd.min.js.map' 
DEBUG   -  Copying media file: 'assets/stylesheets/main.fe0cca5b.min.css' 
DEBUG   -  Copying media file: 'assets/stylesheets/main.fe0cca5b.min.css.map' 
DEBUG   -  Copying media file: 'assets/stylesheets/palette.a46bcfb3.min.css' 
DEBUG   -  Copying media file: 'assets/stylesheets/palette.a46bcfb3.min.css.map' 
DEBUG   -  Building theme template: sitemap.xml 
DEBUG   -  Gzipping template: sitemap.xml 
DEBUG   -  Building theme template: 404.html 
DEBUG   -  Building markdown pages. 
DEBUG   -  Building page index.md 
INFO    -  Documentation built in 1.08 seconds

Plugins seems to be loaded (('encryptcontent', <encryptcontent.plugin.encryptContentPlugin object at 0x7f6816b8ada0>)), but not affecting build process.

When I host files using local http serwer, I don't see any additional plugin loaded: image

I'd be very grateful if you could have a look at it! Let me know if you need any additional details.

greg-witczak commented 4 years ago

I found out what was the problem - I had only index.md page, which is not encrypted. Just found out about it in the docs. It was hidden a bit!