unwire / handsoap

Handsoap is a library for creating SOAP clients in Ruby
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REXML query driver problem with text nodes #2

Closed gettalong closed 15 years ago

gettalong commented 15 years ago


when using REXML as query driver there is a problem when using #to_s on an element returned by an XPath with text() like ./ns:Element/text() since the returned REXML element is of type REXML::Text which does not have a #text method. However, the text value can be returned by using the #value method. So an additional check for the REXML::Text element is needed.

Best regards, Thomas

troelskn commented 15 years ago

Fixed in http://github.com/unwire/handsoap/commit/56c5a101872b886b38a954e4c8d3f1cf34dc9874