uoForms / App-CANBeWell

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2 URLs failing under Topic-FR #353

Closed tshuk055 closed 3 years ago

tshuk055 commented 3 years ago

Following Url is failing for Topic-EN 31.https://www.unlockfood.ca/fr/Articles/Perdre-du-poids/Evaluez-votre-IMC.aspx?aliaspath=%2fen%2fArticles%2fWeight-Management%2fBMI-Calculator 36.https://www.canada.ca/fr/sante-canada/services/dependance-aux-drogues/obtenir-aide/obtenir-aide-problemes-consommation-drogues.html Error - HttpError

Steps to reproduce -

  1. Login to Admin page
  2. Go to linkchecker tab
  3. Click on the 'Topic-EN' button
  4. Click on the view detail button for the Topic-En
  5. Scroll down in the list to see the failing url
RoopleenK commented 3 years ago

To replace the FR broken link of BMI in pancreas and physical activity use the same one below , could not find equivalent of diabetes link for BMI To replace the FR broken link of BMI in colon use this one: https://www.cancer.ca/fr-ca/prevention-and-screening/reduce-cancer-risk/make-healthy-choices/have-a-healthy-body-weight/how-do-i-know-if-i-have-a-healthy-body-weight/?region=on

FOR THE LINK IN LIVER IN FRENCH REPLACE WITH https://www.canada.ca/fr/sante-canada/services/dependance-aux-drogues/obtenir-aide/obtenir-aide-consommation-problematique-substances.html