uoa-ems-research / JEMSS.jl

Julia package for Emergency Medical Services Simulation
Apache License 2.0
13 stars 4 forks source link

User attributes #61

Closed samridler closed 2 years ago

samridler commented 2 years ago

Had issue with Travis CI - "Could not authorize build request for uoa-ems-research/JEMSS.jl" Have now selected the free plan for the uoa-ems-research organisation on Travis CI, so hopefully re-requesting a pull will initiate a build.

samridler commented 2 years ago

Builds on Travis are now failing with error: "The command "julia --color=yes -e "if VERSION < v\"0.7.0-DEV.5183\"; cd(Pkg.dir(\"${JL_PKG}\")); else using Pkg; end; Pkg.add(\"Coverage\"); using Coverage; Coveralls.submit(process_folder())"" exited with 1." I will remove use of Coveralls for now and see if that removes the error.