Open Ruthrash opened 1 year ago
I tested the calibration script.
Start bash script
cd /root/git/frankapy
bash ./bash_scripts/ -i -u sf3202inuc -d /root/git/franka-interface -a -w
Start camera based on a previous comment at
roslaunch realsense2_camera rs_camera.launch filters:=pointcloud enable_infra1:=false enable_infra2:=false
Start end-effctor tf (for customized gripper)
cd ~/git/frankapy/catkin_ws/src/franka_control
Start calibration
python3 --move_robot_automatically True --robot_base_frame_name /panda_link0 --ee_frame_name /virtual_eef_link --rgb_image_topic /camera/color/image_raw --rgb_camera_info_topic /camera/color/camera_info
reprojection error 0.4223259860582057
#### Very high reprojection error ####
#### Ignoring this sample ####
No aruco tag detected in this sample
accepted pairs of pose, no. of frames processed 0 4
after truying the autoamtic calibration from the reset_arm confgituration, we had the following observations:
waypoint X/Y
so that the user knows when to expect to finish the data collection.images of two scenarios robot reacing joint limits:
as we discussed we started the robot from another configuration, as shown below, and right after starting the robot goes to initial reset configuration and starts moving. So, regardless of initial configuration set by user, the robot always goes to reset configuration. However this is different from what we have discussed in the meeting and we were expecting, but we think it is safer to be this way, since the robot motion is quite wide. So, for different robot, maybe it is safer the user moves the robot ee.
initial configuration:
There should be a photo with inidication of distances from the robot for the user, so that they know where to place the apriltag board.
usage: python3 --move_robot_automatically True --use_delta_poses False/True ....other args...