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CAS doesn't work on Nexus #44

Closed richardGreen closed 12 years ago

richardGreen commented 12 years ago

This is clearly not a BL@H bug - but CAS doesn't work on a Nexus. On entering the correct ID, you are simply returned to the blanked login page with no explanation. Security feature in CAS? Bug? ??? (Tried BL@H and Hydra)

FYI Non-CAS logins work (owa.hull.ac.uk for instance).

This has been raised with Rich. Chris has recently seen this problem in other situations but, for him, it cleared.

Not fixed at 24/08.

richardGreen commented 12 years ago

This is a Chrome error. Works in Firefox on Android 4.1

richardGreen commented 12 years ago

Referred to ICTD Help Desk.