uohull / blah

Blacklight@Hull - Library Search and Discovery interface
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UAT feedback on CER‌-0009: subject presentation #89

Closed johnastephenson closed 6 years ago

johnastephenson commented 6 years ago

UAT feedback on CER‌-0009 highlighted the value of hyphenating subject terms and presenting each on a separate line.

The latter can be achieved fairly easily by modifying the “join” value of display_field_search_link helper in blah_helper.rb. A further request to terminate each subject field with a full stop can be accommodated in the same method.

Hyphenating at the subfield is more complex, since the variable “subject_t” is defined in the blah_index.properties file as a composite of each 600 subject field and its subfields. An alternate custom indexing method used in blah does have the option of specifying a seperator other than the default space. If this method is used when indexing subject_t, with the hyphenation string set as a parameter, the desired result is achieved.