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Use Markdown #45

Open m1kc opened 8 years ago

m1kc commented 8 years ago

Из документации к последней версии hubot-telegram:

Telegram Specific Functionality (ie. Stickers, Images)

If you want to create a script that relies on specific Telegram functionality that is not available to Hubot normall, you can do so by emitting the telegram:invoke event in your script:

module.exports = function (robot) {

    robot.hear(/send sticker/i, function (res) {

        # https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendsticker

        robot.emit('telegram:invoke', 'sendSticker', { chat_id: xxx, sticker: 'sticker_id' }, function (error, response) {

Note: An example script of how to use this is located in the example/ folder

If you want to supplement your message delivery with extra features such as markdown syntax or keyboard replies, you can specify these settings on the res.envelope variable in your plugin.

robot.respond(/(.*)/i, function (res) {
    res.envelope.telegram = { reply_markup: { keyboard: [["test"]] }}

    res.reply("Select the option from the keyboard specified.");

Note: Markdown will automatically be parsed if the supported markdown characters are included. You can override this by specifying the parse_mode value in the envelope.telegram key.