uoregon / WPSpin

A WordPress plugin providing integration with Spinitron's SpinPAPI API service.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Import DJs doesn't work? #18

Open andrewcarnes opened 9 years ago

andrewcarnes commented 9 years ago

Install and import shows runs smoothly and a notification says the whole import process "completes successfully," but DJ profiles do not import. Any troubleshooting tips?

Pythagory commented 9 years ago

Hard to say what the trouble could be without a bit more information. Did show data import correctly? Do shortcodes for now playing and recently played work? Can you tell me a bit more about your hosting setup (wordpress version, php version, etc)?

andrewcarnes commented 9 years ago

Show data is importing correctly (except for the host(s) meta field), and shortcodes seem to be working fine. I was trying to get this running on a local install (typical MAMP setup) before I pushed it to our live server (godaddy hosting) but I ran into issues importing DJs there as well. Php version is 5.5.14 and Wordpress is up to date (4.1). Thanks for your help in diagnosing this issue. Excited to use this plugin once I get it working properly!

Pythagory commented 9 years ago

That's odd, typically when the import fails, it fails completely, not, uh, half-failing. Can I ask what station you're working with? I'm curious to take a look and see if something's going on on Spinitron's end. Feel free to email me directly (in profile) if you don't want to post that publicly.

andrewcarnes commented 9 years ago

I'm working with WXJM (http://spinitron.com/radio/?station=wxjm).

Pythagory commented 9 years ago

I've been looking at WXJM's data feed from Spinitron and everything looks OK, so I'm not sure what the problem could be at this point. I'm guessing something's going wrong quietly on the import and not being reported in the browser. You mentioned you were working with MAMP, would you be able to grab your server's error log files after running the import? Might give us a clue as to where it's going wrong.

andrewcarnes commented 9 years ago

I'll email you what php and apache are logging.