Closed Grossmeister5 closed 5 months ago
Great to hear that it's running on another computer. The project radarays_ros
contains an experiment using the MulRan datasets to show the similarity between real and simulated radar polar images. The middle of the image just shows one of the MulRan environments. A triangle mesh map, the car localized in it, and the colorful points are a point cloud produced from a real LiDAR. So to answer your question: No, there are only 2D radar polar images generated within this repository.
For this plugin you don't need the mesh_tools. If you still want to visualize meshes (in this or other situations) I recommend using the noetic branch of this repo , since the official release package ros-noetic-mesh-tools is unstable
I am trying to run the provided example (example_robot.launch) in ROS Noetic. The /radar/image topic is being generated and visible in rviz, the gazebo simulation also seems to be working fine.
I was wondering if there is a way to obtain a 3D representation of the radar data, either as Pointcloud or Depth Image as can be seen in the Readme of The mesh plugin for rviz is not showing up, even though I installed the mesh_tools ( and the map plugin is showing up. Do I need this plugin for a possible 3D representation?
I am running the CPU version of radarays using embree.
Output of "roslaunch radarays_gazebo_plugins example_robot.launch rmagine:=embree":
Thanks in advance!