Closed Kriti- closed 11 years ago
Did you connect the Sick Tim310 laser scanner to the USB port? Did you connect it to an external power supply? Is the LED lighting up in green?
Yes, I did. It is lighting up in green!
Well, I dont know how but now it is detecting the lidar and is giving this warning constantly
[ WARN] [1371814789.317046529]: LIBUSB - Read Error: LIBUSB_ERROR_TIMEOUT. [ WARN] [1371814789.349312288]: received more fields than expected (expected: 580), ignoring scan
The communication with the scanner still doesn't seem to be working properly; the LIBUSB_ERROR_TIMEOUT means that we tried sending data, but the scanner didn't reply. I've never seen that happen before, so I'm afraid I can't help you there. Maybe check that you're using the correct voltage etc.?
Wait a minute... actually, the device seems to be sending something intermittently: First, there's a timeout, then we get a message, but it is too big. Strange. There are a few more things you can try:
rostopic echo /scan
outputs somethingYes, its actually running. Its is giving the correct topics with rostopic list.
What about the other points I mentioned?
Closing as invalid because OP doesn't respond. For future reference: two more scanner types have been added to the package, so chances are the scanner will be supported by one of those. See the sick_tim3xx roswiki page.
I cloned the package for sick_tim3xx lidar but when i write the command roslaunch sick_tim3xx sick_tim3xx.launch the output i get is- ... logging to /home/kriti/.ros/log/2a54a9f0-da5f-11e2-bcca-3859f95c255d/roslaunch-kriti-Inspiron-N5110-8535.log Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile. Press Ctrl-C to interrupt Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.
started roslaunch server http://kriti-Inspiron-N5110:60244/
NODES / robot_state_publisher (robot_state_publisher/state_publisher) sick_tim3xx (sick_tim3xx/sick_tim3xx)
core service [/rosout] found process[robot_state_publisher-1]: started with pid [8563] process[sick_tim3xx-2]: started with pid [8580] [ERROR] [1371811613.728281233]: No SICK TiM3xx devices connected! [sick_tim3xx-2] process has died [pid 8580, exit code -11, cmd /home/kriti/catkin_ws/src/sick_tim3xx/bin/sick_tim3xx __name:=sick_tim3xx __log:=/home/kriti/.ros/log/2a54a9f0-da5f-11e2-bcca-3859f95c255d/sick_tim3xx-2.log]. log file: /home/kriti/.ros/log/2a54a9f0-da5f-11e2-bcca-3859f95c255d/sick_tim3xx-2*.log
could someone help me out with this problem?