Closed nagarjunvinukonda closed 4 years ago
This probably means that your catkin workspace was built incorrectly, and for whatever reason ROS cannot find the sick_tim
package. Please start from a fresh workspace and try again. This error is not specific to the sick_tim package, so if the error persists, please ask on
At first, I cloned sicktim files in kinetic version in my laptop(using ubuntu 16.0.4) from github and changed some parameters in those files according to my lidar. I am using TIM561-2050101S01 lidar. Later, I realized I need to use PC in lab to work with Lidar for long term, I cloned again in melodic version (as my PC is using ROS melodic) and replaced the files with kinetic files that I have changed according to my Lidar configuration.
My catkin_make is successful. But when I use:
roslaunch sick_tim sick_tim551_2050001.launch model:=urdf/sick_tim.urdf.xacro
to launch the urdf file I am getting the following error:
RLException: [sick_tim551_2050001.launch] is neither a launch file in package [sick_tim] nor is [sick_tim] a launch file name The traceback for the exception was written to the log file
I also removed model in launch command above, but same error persists.
I also used: roslaunch sick_tim sick_tim551_2050001.launch, same error exists
I also did this: roslaunch sick_tim sick_tim551_2050001.launch:='$(find sick_tim)/urdf/sick_tim.urdf.xacro'
the error: RLException: [sick_tim] is not a launch file name The traceback for the exception was written to the log file
Even, though I am able to find the sick_tim launch file in my PC. I am unable to launch it.
Can anyone answer this question? What is this error means? What should I do to remove this error?
I also tried sourcing the files.