[x] The navigation bar needs to be a floating sticky component.
[x] Background elements and gradients should be consistent with the design.
[x] Duplicated elements should be removed.
Currently, there is still some duplicated text (i.e. "Automate the busy work in your day-to-day operations...") (#80)
[ ] Margins and whitespace should be enforced using a proper grid and breakout system.
I haven't watched the video fully, but I don't believe we used a grid and breakout system thus far for the home page. That said, from a glance, it does seem to be opposed to tailwind styling. Personally, I'd say the way the margins and whitespaces are currently enforced on the home page is sufficient for now.
That aside, the home page is also missing button functionality (i.e. "See About" button).
While we wait for the assets from the other committees, we may lay out and clean up the home page (and its components). Specifically: