up209d / ResourcesSaverExt

Chrome Extension for one click downloading all resources files and keeping folder structures.
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.65k stars 337 forks source link

<audio> element resources are ignored #54

Open vojkny opened 2 years ago

vojkny commented 2 years ago

Following elements will not be downloaded:

<audio id="zthlaudio_html5_api" 
class="vjs-tech" preload="none" 

<source id="zthlaudio-source" 
src="/o/blob-download?blob=YmxvYi1xMU1TeDl3K09VcVkwRXBFSnRYb0l1SFdhSjJzSFMyVWxoQmJ5RFZJNG04PS1kNWQ2ZC1ZWFZrYVc4dmJYQmxadz09&amp;token=ZWpzZE9oa2FscmtSWkp0a0ZRbWNNWkdjQmVLSVM2UUIvcHM4UjBmOFRxND0*" type="audio/mpeg"> </audio>
zigenis commented 1 month ago

It's possible that it is not yet downloaded by your browser due to the preload attribute being set to 'none' for the first one. I'm pretty sure this extension just dumps the resources already retrieved by your browser. Try playing the audio on the page first to trigger the request, then run the extension again. Orrrr just manually download it 😄

Edit: Just realized this is an issue from 2 years ago. I'll still keep this up for future readers though.

up209d commented 1 month ago

Yup, there is nothing I can do if the file is not loaded in the local resources unless the audio is autoplay, and done loading which is tough to determine