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Unable to create an instance of activity 'scorm' #128

Open gtoffoli opened 5 years ago

gtoffoli commented 5 years ago

Hi everyone! On the test instance, I'm trying to upload to a course Topic some SCORM 1.2 learning objects that were developed with Storyline. At a question like

What do you want to do with the file '1-2-3.zip'?
 ° Unzip files and create folder
 ° Create file resource
 ° Add a SCORM package

I choose the last option and then click on the "Upload" button. The upload progress bar shows for a few seconds, but at the end this Alert message is displayed: Unable to create an instance of activity 'scorm'. Any idea? Thanks.

gtoffoli commented 5 years ago

@michzimny @athird I repeated the test, with the same result, following the instructions in https://docs.moodle.org/36/en/SCORM_settings#Adding_a_SCORM_package and trying to upload the package "Introduction to OneDrive.zip" that I had downloaded from https://helpcenter.elearningforce.com/hc/en-us/articles/208271729-Sample-SCORM-files-

At Sapienza we already produced two courses with the Storyline tool and are producing a third one. Each course consists of 9-10 units. Each unit is a SCORM 1.2 learning objects packaged as a .zip file.

Who could address this problem? Thanks!

athird commented 5 years ago

@gtoffoli SCORM import isn't enabled by default on the platform; so far, no one had asked for it. I'll look into it to see if there are any potential issues with switching it on.

gtoffoli commented 5 years ago

@athird Thanks for looking at a solution. But, considering the UI dialog, one wouldn't say that SCORM import isn't enabled.

athird commented 5 years ago

@gtoffoli In the site administration settings, it's definitely disabled. Why it appears in the UI at all is a bit confusing, yes.

athird commented 5 years ago

@gtoffoli We haven't yet enabled SCORM as there are some mixed messages about it in the Moodle community. I see online that Storyline also includes some other export formats - specifically, the more up-to-date xAPI/TinCan launch package format, which, as I understand it, offers the same sorts of feature as SCORM plus more, and is designed to fit the Web security model better.

Would you be able to send me, by email, maybe, an example SCORM package that you're trying to import, as well as the same learning resources packaged in the xAPI/TinCan format, and possibly IMS Common Cartridge too, if it's supported? The Storyline export dialog box should have the various options available.

We're looking at it, anyway; we haven't forgotten. :-)

gtoffoli commented 5 years ago

@athird Thank you, Allan. I know that SCORM is an old approach, which was born to support CBT, that is individual self-paced learning. LTI and Commons Cartridge are newer IMS standards. We are interested to the IMS SCORM packaging format, not to the overall SCORM approach. Although Commons Cartridge pretends to cover a much wider variety of learning scenarios, in SCORM packages the content layout of web-based resources is more transparent and can be exploited easily also in multiple web sites and web applications that aren't real LMSs. On the other hand, as far as I know, IMS LTI, as well as the xAPI/TinCan launch protocol, address interoperability between LMS and "experience providers", not content packaging. Thus, it would be good for us if you could enable SCORM and let us verify if some learning units that have been developed for Sapienza with Storyline can be used on Moodle. Thanks.

athird commented 5 years ago

@gtoffoli Thank you. The xAPI/TinCan launch protocol does also handle content packaging. If you could please export the same resources from Storyline as both SCORM and as an xAPI/TinCan launch package and send them to me by email, please, then we can test it locally without making changes to any of the Up2U production platforms.

gtoffoli commented 5 years ago

@athird I asked the guys that packaged two courses with Storyline to read your post and to export some learning units in different formats. I got their answer only today; they exported an entire course made up of 8 units both as SCORM and in an xAPI format. You can download the units, as a unique compressed file, at the following web addresses

As a reference, you can find the 8 SCORM units edited as a "learning path" in CommonSpaces: https://cs.up2university.eu/lp/analisi-e-manipolazione-dei-testi-alcune-tecniche-di-base/ Thank you for your collaboration!

Callustian commented 5 years ago

@gtoffoli Hello Giovanni. I tried to upload the course and the system asks for a smaller archive. I made a local archive only using one lesson ("Parole e pensieri" 2-1-1). The system does not display the video, though. May I ask you to make individual archives for every lesson? At the same time I shall verify if this is a local problem. Thanks.

gtoffoli commented 5 years ago

Hi Callustian, it wasn't me, but a Sapienza supply company, who wrapped the course and made it available for download. Can't you extract the other units yourself from the single compressed archive? Perhaps some units are too large for the current Moodle configuration, but many of them should be less than 10 MB. Thanks.

Callustian commented 5 years ago

Hello @gtoffoli, thank you for your reply. I am performing the option you suggest. At the moment there is some issue. I shall post as soon as I make some progress.

gtoffoli commented 5 years ago

@Callustian, Hi Pasquale, I see some progress, but now, if I try to upload SCORM learning objects, I get the following Alert message: "Invalid course module ID".

I suspect that the problem is no more specific to the SCORM modules: it seems that a similar problem, occurring when deleting a course or importing quizzes, has been fixed with Moodle version 3.6; is current installed version 3.5? Thanks.

Callustian commented 5 years ago

@gtoffoli Hi Giovanni. Thank you for your post. The version of Moodle we use is 3.6.2.