Open baocube opened 1 year ago
When expiry time hits: 1) if amount raised < amount targeted : proceed or refund 2) If amount raised =>amount targeted: proceed 3) only if amount raised <= amount targeted: proceed (means project will not be accepting any amount more than what it wish to colelct)
When expiry time not hit: 1) If amount raised = amount targeted: proceed 2) if amount raised < amount targeted : proceed or refund 3) If amount raised =>amount targeted: proceed : should we allow users have the option to stop the fundraising early?
After discussion: 1) No restrictions, no cap on the amount that will be raised. Amount raised can > targeted_amount 2) Users has no option to end project early 3) Project will only be funded if amount => targeted amount by the targeted_time
Should have an option for users to decide if they want to keep it as anonymous:
Share with yall when we discuss the next time~
Smart contract