upbit / pixivpy

Pixiv API for Python
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fail to get special illust detail #280

Open katresars opened 1 year ago

katresars commented 1 year ago

Special illust id of 104134730 return nothing, illust_detail api details as following:

{'illust': {'id': 104134730, 'title': '', 'type': 'illust', 'image_urls': {'square_medium': 'https://s.pximg.net/common/images/limit_sanity_level_360.png', 'medium': 'https://s.pximg.net/common/images/limit_sanity_level_360.png', 'large': 'https://s.pximg.net/common/images/limit_sanity_level_360.png'}, 'caption': '', 'restrict': 0, 'user': {'id': 20670939, 'name': '', 'account': '', 'profile_image_urls': {'medium': 'https://s.pximg.net/common/images/no_profile.png'}}, 'tags': [], 'tools': [], 'create_date': '2023-09-01T04:27:16+09:00', 'page_count': 1, 'width': 100, 'height': 100, 'sanity_level': 4, 'x_restrict': 0, 'series': None, 'meta_single_page': {'original_image_url': 'https://s.pximg.net/common/images/limit_sanity_level_360.png'}, 'meta_pages': [], 'total_view': 0, 'total_bookmarks': 0, 'is_bookmarked': False, 'visible': False, 'is_muted': False, 'illust_ai_type': 0, 'illust_book_style': 0, 'comment_access_control': 0}} 

I can't figure out what result this.

Xdynix commented 1 year ago

The message suggests that there is some sanity level restriction. It's also not visible on Pixiv's iOS app, and I can't find any settings on the web or in the app to make it appear.

So I guess maybe Pixiv doesn't want this illustration to be displayed by the client application for some reason. You can try sending them a message to ask why (but it is worth noting that this library, PixivPy, has never been officially approved or supported by Pixiv).

upbit commented 1 year ago

dup #275