upbound / up

The @upbound CLI
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up login garbled input recieves #560

Open cwilhit opened 3 weeks ago

cwilhit commented 3 weeks ago

What happened?

Whenever I try to use up on either a WSL ubuntu instance or Ubuntu as a VM, I've struggled to have web-auth work. Note, it works 100% of the time on my mac.

How can we reproduce it?

  1. Try to login
  2. Notice the redirect URL has hex-encoded characters in the URL
  3. The code I'm instructed to return, after inputting, fails (notice garbled hex characters in the return string).
  4. Behavior is the same if I copy the code and paste into terminal or type it manually image

Think I found a hint of what's going on, though. I notice when I'm prompted to put in the code, I can backspace and delete the prompt characters Code:. When I do this, and then input the code it works.

What environment did it happen in?

Repros for up across all envs. This is on either Windows + WSL (Ubuntu) or Hyper-V VM running Ubuntu