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there's no .diagnostics file in the coreservices folder #14

Closed pclafferty2147 closed 8 years ago

pclafferty2147 commented 8 years ago

what does it mean "use the contents to restore the /System/Library/CoreServices/.diagnostics folder"?

I download the .dmg, but with no .diagnostics file in the core services folder I don't know what to do next?

please help!

upekkha commented 8 years ago

By default, the Finder does not show files or folders when their name starts with a dot (eg .diagnostics). You can easily find instructions on the web to make them visible (search for 'Finder AppleShowAllFiles'), or use the ls -la command in the terminal.

schroef commented 2 years ago

Using shift-cmd+g to access this folder and also get same error "the folder cant be found"

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