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Update bibliographic data #118

Closed ZacharyLesser closed 1 year ago

ZacharyLesser commented 1 year ago

We need to add Wiggins (BritDrama) to the Bibliographic Sources, and just generally ensure that the field names there match the ones currently in use. Perhaps better to just list the sources themselves rather than going through each search?

ZacharyLesser commented 1 year ago

How to Use DEEP:

Again, we need to revise this because field names have changed; and other aspects of the functionality of DEEP have changed on the new site.

ZacharyLesser commented 1 year ago

What's New:

We need to ensure that links are working and that the static URL is correct with new site URL.

ZacharyLesser commented 1 year ago

Download Data:

in the citation, we need to get the date accessed automatically updating