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Printer, Publisher, Bookseller display fields not showing in Stationer Information anymore #134

Closed ZacharyLesser closed 1 year ago

ZacharyLesser commented 1 year ago

Something about fixing the bug with these fields has now caused them not to display in the Expanded Record Display -- That section of the results should display as follows:

Stationer Information Colophon: [Stationer:Colophon field] -- [this entire line appears ONLY if data is present] Printer: [Stationer:Printer display] -- [this entire line appears ONLY if data is present] Publisher: [Stationer:Publisher display] -- [this entire line appears ONLY if data is present] Bookseller: [Stationer:Bookseller display] --[this entire line appears ONLY if data is present] Imprint Location: [Stationer:Imprint location] -- [this entire line appears ONLY if data is present] Entries in the Stationers' Register: [Stationer: Entries in Register] -- [this line ALWAYS appears even if no data after the header] [blank line] Additional Notes: [Additional Notes] -- [this entire line appears ONLY if data is present]