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Are the Companies and People tables currently doing anything? Do we need other tables? #137

Closed ZacharyLesser closed 1 year ago

ZacharyLesser commented 1 year ago

Listed in the "Main" section of the db but I don't think they are being used... should they be?

Should we have separate tables for other things like Play Type, etc., where we can make a single change that then changes all records it is attached to?

ZacharyLesser commented 1 year ago

So, testing the People table: changes made to a person here DO change their name in the list of filter choices, but do NOT change their name in the actual record display.

I think we want to have it so the record is pulling from the table as well, if we are going to use separate tables. That way if we want to change someone's name, we only have to do it one time for all instances in the db.

Same would hold for a number of other kinds of data in the db. Something to discuss.