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Changes to Imprint Location do not result in changes to the drop-down of filter choices #162

Closed ZacharyLesser closed 1 year ago

ZacharyLesser commented 1 year ago

Build.py seems to be ignoring Imprint Location and perhaps this is why, when I add data that creates new filter choices, they do not appear in the drop-down list of filter choices. The data does appear in each record, properly.

Individual pages for the record -- e.g., https://deep.pennds.org/1177/ -- do NOT contain the data, which also suggests (I think) that Build is ignoring Imprint Location, not adding to the filter choices and not adding changes to this data to the individual pages.

This section of Build.py is commented out for some reason... relevant?


Screenshot 2023-02-17 at 1 03 24 PM