upes-open / OSoC-Lost-And-Found-WebApp

A webapp for the university that will ease the process of retrieving lost items. It is a big problem when you lose valuable items, and in that scenario, it becomes helpful if you are able to see through a list of items found lately, and luckily, if you do find your item there, then you save a lot of time and sweat. So what are you waiting for?
15 stars 19 forks source link

Integrate the deployed database #100

Closed aakshitaa closed 1 year ago

aakshitaa commented 1 year ago

The database is currently deployed on- https://osoc-lost-and-found.cyclic.app/ Integrate this with the project. Refer to this for reference-

To integrate a MongoDB backend, deployed on Cyclic, with a React.js project, you can follow these general steps:

  1. Set up your MongoDB database on Cyclic:

    • Create a database on Cyclic and note down the connection details, such as the connection URL, username, password, and database name.
  2. Create a React.js project:

    • Set up a new React.js project using Create React App or any other preferred method.
  3. Install the required dependencies:

    • Open a terminal in your React.js project directory and install the necessary packages by running the following command:
      npm install mongoose axios
    • The mongoose package allows you to interact with MongoDB, and axios is used for making HTTP requests to your backend.
  4. Create a MongoDB connection file:

    • Create a new file, such as db.js, in your React.js project's source folder.
    • Inside db.js, import the mongoose package and establish a connection to your MongoDB database using the connection details from Cyclic.
    • Here's an example of how your db.js file might look:

      import mongoose from 'mongoose';
      const DB_URL = 'mongodb://username:password@host:port/database_name';
      mongoose.connect(DB_URL, {
      useNewUrlParser: true,
      useUnifiedTopology: true,
      const db = mongoose.connection;
      db.on('error', console.error.bind(console, 'MongoDB connection error:'));
  5. Set up API endpoints:

    • Create a new file, such as api.js, in your React.js project's source folder.
    • Inside api.js, import the axios package and define functions that make API requests to your backend.
    • Here's an example of how your api.js file might look:

      import axios from 'axios';
      const BASE_URL = 'http://backend-url'; // Replace with your actual backend URL
      export const getUsers = async () => {
      try {
       const response = await axios.get(`${BASE_URL}/users`);
       return response.data;
      } catch (error) {
       console.error('Error getting users:', error);
       throw error;
      // Add more API functions as needed
  6. Use the API functions in your React components:

    • Import the API functions from api.js into your React components where you need to fetch or send data to the backend.
    • Call the API functions as needed, and use the retrieved data to update your React component's state or perform other operations.

That's a basic overview of how you can integrate a MongoDB backend, deployed on Cyclic, with a React.js project. Remember to replace the placeholder values with your actual connection details and backend URL.

ThapaVinay commented 1 year ago

i want to work on this

aakshitaa commented 1 year ago

Sure @ThapaVinay

aakshitaa commented 1 year ago

This issue was completed by @ThapaVinay