upkie / vulp

Robot/simulation switch for the mjbots stack
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Update resolution.h #59

Closed ubgk closed 8 months ago

ubgk commented 9 months ago

High resolution for position, velocity and torque

stephane-caron commented 8 months ago

What's the status of this update?

To me it makes full sense to ignore Q/D currents as we don't use them in motion control. Temperature would be nice to keep for monitoring purposes (e.g. when torque tracking drops, we can look at the temperature to determine whether it is because of thermal throttling).

ubgk commented 8 months ago

Sorry I forgot about this one amidst all other stuff.

It works in it's current state as expected, the number of bits stays constant after all. I will reenable the temperature and check again.

Do you think the voltage would be useful as well? Also, is it reasonable to assume everything is OK if the spine keeps running at 1KHz after the update?

stephane-caron commented 8 months ago

Voltage can be useful to indirectly observe the state of the battery, or to check for electrical failures. If we can it would be nice to keep it too.

Also, is it reasonable to assume everything is OK if the spine keeps running at 1KHz after the update?

Yes, I would look at the following plot:

foxplot([data.spine.clock.measured_period, data.spine.clock.slack], right=[data.spine.clock.skip_count])

If it keeps looking like this:


Then we're good to go.

stephane-caron commented 8 months ago

For example I'm trying to do the performance regression check right in https://github.com/tasts-robots/vulp/pull/62 :wink:

coveralls commented 8 months ago

Pull Request Test Coverage Report for Build 6561111907

Totals Coverage Status
Change from base Build 6537279222: 0.0%
Covered Lines: 1654
Relevant Lines: 1882

💛 - Coveralls
ubgk commented 8 months ago

So this is what I get with a build using this PR. The timings seem unaffected except for the existing periodic slow downs every ~30 seconds.

I guess as my agent is still unchanged, it's normal that I have slow downs around the ~33 second mark, unlike in #62 right?

stephane-caron commented 8 months ago

LGTM :thumbsup:

The timings seem unaffected except for the existing periodic slow downs every ~30 seconds.

Are those always ~30 seconds apart? That would be good news somehow :laughing: We could investigate on the raspi what process fires up every 30 seconds that throws off the predictability of computation times.

Not saying that we should do it now though. We have no realtimeness issue currently.

ubgk commented 8 months ago


The timings seem unaffected except for the existing periodic slow downs every ~30 seconds.

Are those always ~30 seconds apart? That would be good news somehow 😆 We could investigate on the raspi what process fires up every 30 seconds that throws off the predictability of computation times.

Not saying that we should do it now though. We have no realtimeness issue currently.

Roughly, yes. Check out the plots below from late August (before we started playing with the resolution):


I don't have any logs old enough from Upkie v0, so I cannot check to confirm if it's vulp & upkie or something else on the Raspberry Pi.

stephane-caron commented 8 months ago

Interesting regularity :thinking:

stephane-caron commented 8 months ago

Thanks for the changes and checks :+1: