upleveled / eslint-config-upleveled

UpLeveled ESLint defaults for programming in JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Next.js, Node.js, Postgres.js
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Convert DOM manipulation bans into a custom rule #123

Open Josehower opened 2 years ago

Josehower commented 2 years ago

Currently, we are using no-restricted-syntax config blocks to preventively ban querySelector querySeletorAll and getElementById. One of the issues with this is the warning messages don't allow us to add clickable links to the description of the error:

One way to solve this Is moving these checks into a new custom ESLint rule:


Josehower commented 7 months ago

Handover Comment for the PR:

What work has been done

What work is still open

who to take over

This Issue will be taken over either for @ProchaLu or @Eprince-hub

Where to start

The best place to start would be checking the following issue in vs code:

See if there is a new workaround found by the community.

Other details that you know that are not captured already in the issue / PR

If at any point the issue https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/54272 is solved, this issue would be able to be solved right away.