uploadcare / pillow-simd

The friendly PIL fork
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Fix error C2084: function '__m128i mm_cvtepu8_epi32(void *)' already has a body #108

Closed cgohlke closed 2 years ago

cgohlke commented 2 years ago

Fixes compile errors when building with Visual Studio 2019:

D:\Build\Pillow-SIMD\Pillow-SIMD-9.0.0.post0\src\libImaging\ImagingSIMD.h(17): error C2084: function '__m128i mm_cvtepu8_epi32(void *)' already has a body
D:\Build\Pillow-SIMD\Pillow-SIMD-9.0.0.post0\src\libImaging\ImagingSIMD.h(17): note: see previous definition of 'mm_cvtepu8_epi32'
D:\Build\Pillow-SIMD\Pillow-SIMD-9.0.0.post0\src\libImaging\ImagingSIMD.h(24): error C2084: function '__m256i mm256_cvtepu8_epi32(void *)' already has a body
D:\Build\Pillow-SIMD\Pillow-SIMD-9.0.0.post0\src\libImaging\ImagingSIMD.h(24): note: see previous definition of 'mm256_cvtepu8_epi32'
homm commented 2 years ago

Thanks! I've included your fix in #109. With your changes there is a real chance to make standard Pillow tests all green.

Since Pillow-SIMD is a sliding fork, I have to force-push simd/master brunch each time new Pillow versions are released, and all previous PR becomes a mess. So I'm closing this PR.

homm commented 2 years ago

Pillow-SIMD 9.0.0.post1 is released. Thank you!