uploadcare / pillow-simd

The friendly PIL fork
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Building wheels #117

Open AIGeneratedUsername opened 1 year ago

AIGeneratedUsername commented 1 year ago

Hi! I would like to build a wheel for the "pillow-simd" to reuse it in my Docker in CI/CD. I am not very happy when I need to install "gcc" and "g++" in Docker image, and then slowly build from source during CI/CD.

I have no experience with the building process, so I want to double-check some points.

  1. Does someone already build wheels for Pillow-SIMD? So I will not do duplicate redundant work if wheels already somewhere distributed.
  2. Are there any pitfalls? I mean that it must be a reason why there are no wheels.

Thanks in advance for your response.

PS: English is not my native language, so sorry for grammar mistakes.