uploadcare / uploadcare-php

PHP API client that handles uploads and further operations with files by wrapping Uploadcare Upload and REST APIs.
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Deprecate PUT /group/{uuid}/storage/ #207

Closed rsedykh closed 1 year ago

rsedykh commented 1 year ago

It was deprecated.


https://uploadcare.com/api-refs/upload-api/#tag/Groups/operation/filesGroupInfo https://uploadcare.com/api-refs/rest-api/v0.7.0/#tag/Group/operation/groupInfo

To store or remove files from a group, query the list of files in it, split the list into chunks of 100 files per chunk and then perform batch file storing or batch file removal for all the chunks.

p.s. Don't forget to update uploadcare-php-example if necessary.

andrew72ru commented 1 year ago

To store or remove files from a group, query the list of files in it Neither the PHP library nor Uploadcare API itself don't have such methods. Group operations are Create, Delete, Get, and List — we can't request the "List of files", "Add file to group", or "Remove file from the group".

When the deprecated property is removed, the PHP Library's property will be set to a null value. However, I've marked the getDatetimeStored method as deprecated on the library side as well.